February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
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We are thrilled to announce that Voice of Prophecy has graciously allowed AudioVerse to share the powerful messages from current Speaker/Director Shawn Boonstra, as well as classic sermons from Voice of Prophecy founder, H.M.S. Richards, Sr.
H.M.S. Richards, a Seventh-day Adventist evangelist, pioneered the use of radio to present the gospel in the early 20th Century -- when many of his colleagues thought the new device was the Devil's playground. From the founding of Voice of Prophecy in 1929 until today, Voice of Prophecy strives to stay on the cutting edge in reaching contemporary society, utilizing the latest technologies for sharing God's Word.
AudioVerse shares in this same vision and is happy to be partners with the Voice of Prophecy in sharing God's Word using the latest Internet technologies.
To start enjoying the messages we have available now, just visit the Voice of Prophecy sponsor page. Come back often because there will be new messages added all the time!
Listen to Shawn Boonstra and H.M.S. Richards' messages right here: Voice of Prophecy