February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
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In the past few weeks, I’ve had the privilege of meeting many AudioVerse users in my travels from the 10th Annual AMEN Conference in San Diego to the Southcenter Church in Seattle, all the way to the first annual Adventist Agriculture Association Conference near Nashville, Tennessee. Everywhere I go, I am blown away by the testimonies I hear of how AudioVerse has been such a huge blessing in people’s lives. From truck drivers who listen on their long hauls, to farmers who listen while hoeing in the field, even to doctors who listen to unwind after an intense day.
Earlier this year while at GYC Europe, I met a young lady from Bulgaria who thanked me with tears in her voice for making it possible for all the young people in her church to hear the plain preaching of the Truth for free, even though none of them could afford to attend GYC Europe.
Just last week we received this testimony from Douglas:
Thank you guys so much for your ministry, it has helped me out through depressing times and has helped me to become more open, have an interest in spiritual things, and not give up. You guys are awesome... Whoever you guys are, I just hope that this ministry stays strong.
What touching testimonies of the awesome power of God’s Word! I praise God for how He is impacting countless lives in all walks of life all across the world through the messages on this website.
Together with Douglas, I also hope that this ministry remains strong, to continue making the Truth available for the whole world. There are young people in Eastern Europe unable to attend Bible conferences, who need to understand the Truth. There are missionaries in far-flung places toiling tirelessly, who need encouragement from the Truth. There are eager believers, ready to work for God, who want to be trained in the Truth. It is because of these people that I am appealing for your financial support today.
AudioVerse requires about $200,000 a year to operate, which is a small sum when compared to the tens of thousands of people who are reached every single month. In the spirit of the holiday season, remember that every dollar you contribute is a gift of free Truth-filled sermons to someone like Douglas or a young person in Bulgaria. However, the gifts so far this year have not met our goals, so please consider giving generously as you plan your year-end contributions to help make sure AudioVerse meets its budget for the year. Donations may be made online at our donate page or by check to the address below.
As you plan your holiday shopping, remember also that utilizing AmazonSmile and selecting AudioVerse as your charity of choice will remit 0.5% of all your qualifying purchases to AudioVerse. (For more information, click here.)
I want to thank you for your continued support of AudioVerse. The testimonies of all the people I met over the past few months are fruits of your financial partnership. By God’s grace, I believe that there will be many more!
Yours in Christ,
Alistair Huong
Executive Director
P.S. Tens of thousands of people are being blessed every single month by the Truth-filled messages on AudioVerse. Your year-end financial gift is essential for the ministry to meet its budget for the year, and to continue making available these life-changing free resources for those who need it all around the world. Please consider a generous gift today, by giving at our online donate page or by check to the address below.
PO Box 2288
Collegedale, TN 37315-2288