February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
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2014 has come and gone, and 2015 is now upon us! The past year was full of the Lord’s blessings. We released our brand new website at Christmas time, and in preparation for that we revamped our entire underlying network infrastructure earlier in the year as well. More messages were released through our Spanish, German, French, and Chinese sites than any previous year, and we had a record total number of messages released in 2014—over 1500 in all! That’s at least 4 new messages every single day of the year!
But most importantly, we continue to receive testimonies from individuals who are blessed by receiving the Word of God through AudioVerse. Just as one example, here is what Vincent from the Philippines wrote at the end of 2014:
In my troubled moments, your website was used by God for me to hear His gentle words, and every time He leads me here, He leads me to the perfect message I needed to hear. Keep blessing people, keep spreading the message. God bless us all!
I’ve spoken with many people personally throughout the year who have shared this very same sentiment. The Lord is working mightily through the preaching of His Word to reach people in precisely the way that they need most. Praise God!
Every New Year is exciting with the Lord by our side. We are really looking forward to what’s coming in this year ahead and we want YOU to be a part of it! Here are just a few things you can expect:
We believe that there are thousands of people just like Vincent out there who the Lord wants to reach in 2015. We want to do all we can to make that a reality! Will you partner with us this year as we continue to provide present truth for those people so that they can be ready for Jesus when He comes? Consider becoming a recurring donor by visiting our donate page to set up your monthly gift today. You may also give a one-time electronic donation at the same page or by check to the address below. Thank you!
Courage in the New Year!
Alistair Huong
Executive Director
P.S. There are thousands of people who need to hear God’s Word! 2015 is the year to reach them! Please consider a year-end gift today to partner with AudioVerse to do just that. Donate here.
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Collegedale, TN 37315