February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
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In Phoenix, Arizona, attendees of the 2014 GYC conference gathered once again, together, at the foot of the cross. That our pride and self-sufficiency will be swept away, that we will bow before Him in repentance, that we will see the enormity of His grace. And seeing it, be utterly moved to pour down at His feet everything we have and are, and press on to a poured-out life that He might be glorified.
We are very grateful for GYC permitting AudioVerse the opportunity to share the messages from this powerful conference. Additionally, we are grateful to 3ABN for allowing us the privilege of using the videos from all the main meetings as well! Catch the messages from GYC 2014 right here on AudioVerse!
Main Meetings
Plenary & Evening Devotionals (Audio & Video)
Morning Devotionals (Audio & Video)
Cross-Check: Finding Your Personal Story At the Cross
A Call To Arms: How to Fully Engage In God's Church
The 4th Angel: Literature Evangelism Made Relevant In A Postmodern World
How We Can Be Sure Christ Will Soon Come
Victory Over Sin: How To Overcome Addictions
Romans: Power To Face The Final Conflict
Medical Missionary Work: The Present "Present" Truth
Intersections: Adventist Doctrines at the Cross
Healing Rain: The Latter Rain for the Soul
Creation, Agriculture, and Evangelism
Colossians: A Church at the Cross
Making Your Campus Ministry Thrive