February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
1m read
“There would have been one of the greatest revivals that there has been since the day of Pentecost.” How would such an event start, you ask?
Two years after the 1901 General Conference Session, Ellen White was given a vision in which she saw church leaders reconciling their differences, and confessing their sins against each other. When she awoke from the vision, Mrs. White discovered a great problem. What she saw never actually occurred!
Watch this reenactment of Mrs. White's vision and reflect on how this message resonates within our own hearts as we seek for that unity that can only come through true humility and contritition of heart. Particularly as we head toward the 2015 General Conference this summer, may we each commit to surrender all we have to the Lord so that there will be need for delay no longer. Even so come, Lord Jesus. Quickly come!
Don't forget to share this video with your friends and family or you may even want to share it at your church. Also, after you watch the video, please go sign up to join the 100 Days of Prayer for the upcoming General Conference session at: www.100daysofprayer.org