February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
1m read
The 60th General Conference Session will begin in under a month, and along with the tens of thousands of other Advent believers who will be attending, we have been preparing and praying for this important occasion.
AudioVerse will be located at Booth C1222 in the exhibit hall, and you will want to be sure to stop by to say "Hello!" We have lots of freebies for you to take home to spread the word about AudioVerse to all your friends and families, and we also have brand new headphones and new t-shirts available for sale as well. There will even be a drawing for a free iPad Air 2! Most importantly, the AudioVerse team would love to meet YOU. Do drop by, and bring a friend!
We appreciate the many volunteers who have offered to help staff the booth during the 10 days in San Antonio, and there are still some spots open if you still want to volunteer some of your time! If you will be at the GC already and are interested to help, please write us at contact@audioverse.org to let us know several things:
Even if you aren’t able to come physically to San Antonio, you can still be a part of the AudioVerse team at the GC! We budgeted that the entire GC Session will cost about $15,000 for AudioVerse. That’s a lot for a small ministry running on a fairly tight budget, but we believe the investment is worth it. Most of this amount has gone toward producing materials to let our brothers and sisters around the world know about the free resources they have access to on AudioVerse, and we've done our utmost to make every dollar stretch the furthest. Nevertheless, there are still many other costs of shipping, transportation, and the taking care of our team while we are there. Your contribution today will ensure our efforts at the GC will result in the greatest impact!
You can make an online contribution at our donate page, and note that your gift is for GC 2015. Or you can also send in your gift by mail to our address listed below.
Thank you in advance for helping AudioVerse spread the word this year at the GC.
We hope to see you there!
Alistair Huong
Executive Director
P.S. In case you haven't heard, the AudioVerse app has been updated for both iOS and Android, bringing the audio Bible functionality into the palm of your hand! Go download the app today!
Photo credit: ANN file photo by Robert East
AudioVerse, PO Box 2288, Collegedale, TN 37315