February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
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Falling in love is wonderful...and dangerous. When you look across the room and catch sight of someone you have a crush on, or see that special person comment on your Facebook post, your heart skips a beat and you feel on top of the world. But to decide your entire future on the basis of that crazy rush of hormones, would be, well...crazy. People tell you to “follow your heart,” but the Bible says that the heart is “deceitful above all things” and warns us against trusting it (Jeremiah 17:9). Falling isn’t a good thing – it’s normally an accident and it’s generally painful. I would like to suggest to you that you don’t fall in love, instead, crawl into it. Take your time, or as Ellen White says, “Make haste slowly”
It’s a myth that there are two people perfectly created to be together. This teaching doesn’t come from the Bible but from Plato. If you want to be “two peas in a pod” then there’s only one way to do that. You have to become more like Jesus. Stop searching for the “one” who will make you happy. Instead, focus on becoming holy and reflecting the character of Jesus. Two people who do that, can survive the huge challenges that marriage brings. That’s why you have to choose wisely and move slowly. When you crawl, it’s beautiful, like a tapestry woven together in God’s timing, and with a lot of sacrifice and hard work.
If you’d like to find out more on how to do dating and courtship God’s way, then check out these presentations from ACTS for Christ called “Two Peas in a Pod”:
Part One: The Dating Trap.
Part Two: Steps to a Godly Marriage
Part Three: Understanding Your Partner
Part Four: Connecting Through Conflict