February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
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Not long ago, one of the speakers on AudioVerse was visiting Dubai. He and some of his friends were visiting the spice market when he heard a local call out his name. After some chitchat, they discovered that this individual recognized the speaker because he’s been listening to him on AudioVerse!
God is reaching people everywhere—even places like Dubai!
Just as summer gives way to fall, world events signals that big changes are in the air for the world as well. I don’t know what will happen in the future, but I DO know what Jesus told me to do until He comes. There are millions and billions more like this individual at the Dubai spice market that have yet to hear the Three Angels’ Message. We have work to do and the night is coming. May the Lord find us occupying when He comes!
It has been a busy but blessed summer for us at AudioVerse. The team has been active at home and on the road recording and posting as many messages as we can. We’ve released nearly 1000 messages in the first eight months of the year already!
Earlier this month, our team traveled to Spokane, WA to record the 2015 ASI International Convention. All of the messages in both video and audio forms are available now on AudioVerse. Just follow the link below to catch up on the powerful sermons and seminars all centered on this year’s theme, “Lift Him Up!”
Click here to listen to ASI 2015 messages now.
We are also happy to announce that Rebecca J. from the UK is the winner of our iPad Air 2 drawing held at the GC Session in San Antonio. Rebecca told us that she listens to AudioVerse every evening for her worship, and she is very excited that she’s now able to listen to AudioVerse on the go with her brand new iPad. If you haven’t already, remember to download the AudioVerse app!
As you already know, AudioVerse is able to carry out its mission only through the financial support of individuals just like you. So in an effort to create more ways to give, AudioVerse has partnered with Western Adventist Foundation (WAF) to accept gifts through charitable gift annuities.
This method of giving to God’s work is designed to be mutually beneficial to the donor and recipient. WAF is an experienced organization that can help you with the setup and administration of such plans. For more information or to set up your own charitable gift annuity to AudioVerse, please contact WAF directly either through their website (http://www.wafsda.org) or by phone (866-356-5595).*
We need to take the Three Angels’ Message to even more people around the world. From spice markets in Dubai, to villages near Mumbai, to skyscrapers in Shanghai—there are people listening, and many more are eager to hear. Will you help us reach them?
You don’t have to wait to give. You can give today by check or by credit card on the donate page on our website.
Thank you for partnering with us to fulfill the work the Jesus told us to do as we await His return.
Until He comes,
Alistair Huong
Executive Director
P.S. AudioVerse is partnering with Western Adventist Foundation (WAF) to offer our financial partners the option of giving to the ministry through charitable gift annuities. You may contact WAF directly online or by phone (866-356-5595) for more information. Of course, you may also give today by check to our address below or online at our donate page.
*Charitable gift annuities are NOT AVAILABLE in the following states: AL, MD and WA; Annuities for CA and IL residents are provided by the Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists; Annuities for HI residents are provided by the Hawaii Conference of Seventh-day Adventists; and Charitable gift annuities to benefit AudioVerse in all other states are provided by Western Adventist Foundation. Western Adventist Foundation provides no legal advice. Individuals should seek the advice of their own legal counsel.
AudioVerse | PO Box 2288, Collegedale, TN 37315