February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
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Much to-do has been made about Pope Francis’ historic visit to the United States in recent days. Even the secular media has been captivated by this "Pope of the People", and his image is dominating all news outlets as I write this. Of course, if you're friends with very many Adventists on social media, you'll know that Pope Francis has been on their minds (and news feeds) too! And for good reason, the prophetic fulfillment of Revelation 13 and the healing of the deadly wound is occurring before our very eyes! In fact, a number of messages related to this very topic have been released on AudioVerse recently, and I would encourage you to listen to them for yourself:
As students of Bible prophecy and as Adventists, we recognize the indicators that Jesus is coming soon! Indeed His coming is nearer than when we first believed. Nevertheless, lest we get carried away with fear of the time of trouble ahead or become distracted from the true object of our faith, let us remember these words from the messenger of the Lord:
The shortness of time is frequently urged as an incentive for seeking righteousness and making Christ our friend. This should not be the great motive with us; for it savors of selfishness. Is it necessary that the terrors of the day of God should be held before us, that we may be compelled to right action through fear? It ought not to be so. Jesus is attractive. He is full of love, mercy, and compassion. He proposes to be our friend, to walk with us through all the rough pathways of life. He says to us, I am the Lord thy God; walk with me, and I will fill thy path with light. {ST, March 17, 1887 par. 6}
We recently received the following testimony from Rashel, an AudioVerse user from Jamaica, that helps us remember what our ultimate focus really needs to be:
AudioVerse came to me at a time when I was seeking God and clinging to him with all my heart. It is amazing how God speaks to me through the sermons. THANK YOU THANK YOU. God bless you all at AudioVerse, you are winning souls for Christ. Those who are weak can find strength in his word with just the tap of the app icon on their phones!! You cannot begin to imagine how much I needed something like this in my life!! God allowed me to watch 3ABN while the founders were on talking about the app and I’ve been hooked to Jesus ever since. Every situation every issue I can search to listen to the word of God and be lead in the right direction. Shawn Boonstra is one of my favourite presenters and I’m now doing his Discover Bible study lessons. This has just been a blessing!! My faith in God has been multiplied I never want to be without him again!! How sweet it is to rest in Jesus, how amazing it is to be carried by him. Thank you AudioVerse for reconnecting me with God.
Praise God that the Bible provides warnings of the prophetic times, and in so doing, leads souls to Jesus! We have been given a work to do, and as the winds of strife begin to swirl around us, it is clear that time is very short and it is imperative that we renew our efforts for the Gospel with greater urgency. People need to be pointed to Jesus, our only hope in a lost world!
There are countless other individuals like Rashel who need to hear the Third Angel’s Message proclaimed with clarity and power—the warning message of the Mark of the Beast as well as the saving message of Christ Our Righteousness. AudioVerse wants to accomplish this mission, but it is possible only with your financial partnership.
Please consider a financial contribution today to help reach even more people with God’s end-time message. There is no time to waste! You may give online at our donate page, or by check to our address below. Thank you for partnering with us to fulfill the Gospel Commission as we seek to hasten Christ's return.
May we be found faithful,
Alistair Huong
Executive Director
P.S. The Pope is on the move. Are God’s people on the move for the Gospel? Partner with AudioVerse with your financial gift today to help speed the spread of the Three Angels’ Message online! You may visit our online donate page to give, or by check to the address below.
AudioVerse | PO Box 2288 | Collegedale | TN | 37315