February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
1m read
What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving season?
For AudioVerse, 2015 has been an eventful year, and we have so much to be thankful for. In April of this year, we were able to introduce the free audio Bibles on our website and mobile apps, and since that time over 400,000 chapters of the Bible have been listened to! That’s over 1,800 chapters of the Bible listened to EVERY DAY! Praise God! Moreover, just last month in celebration of AudioVerse’s 10th birthday, we announced that in partnership with the White Estate, we are making available their entire Spirit of Prophecy audiobook archive for free on AudioVerse. This of course doesn’t even include the record number of new messages that have been released so far this year (with more to come)! It’s been an exciting year and we do indeed have much to be thankful for.
But in a very real way, none of this is possible without the dedicated AudioVerse staff. It’s remarkable how much God is able to do with just a few, faithful workers. This Thanksgiving, I am especially thankful for them, and I want to take this opportunity to introduce them to you.
Kurt Osena
If you’ve seen AudioVerse on social media, then you’ve seen the influence of Kurt. The newest member of our team, Kurt works with us part-time since he also is a student and a youth pastor at a local church. Besides managing our social media presence, he also works on many other marketing and special projects.
Ki Song
Everyone who uses AudioVerse has seen what Ki does. He is responsible for the technology of AudioVerse from top to bottom: the website, the network, the apps, the databases, and all the other bits and bytes that make this ministry run. Ki’s the intrepid staff that’s on call every day to make sure the website is up and running smoothly for anyone in the world searching for the Truth.
Karen Wilson
If you’ve ever written to AudioVerse with a question or comment, then you’ve probably interacted with Karen. If you’ve ever listened to an AudioVerse recording, then you’ve seen Karen’s handiwork too. She’s the one responsible for our general operations, which include the editing and processing of all English and Spanish media content. She’s also the one who coordinates all the events that we attend. Moreover, she also wears the hat of our bookkeeper and handles most of our correspondence and communication too.
These are the individuals who I have the privilege of working with day in and day out, but I must also add that besides these staff, we also have many volunteers that assist us throughout the year, a board of directors that keeps us focused on the mission, and numerous content partners who generously share their material with the AudioVerse family. This ministry is possible only through the cooperation of all these faithful individuals.
However, I would be remiss not to mention another vital team member of AudioVerse and that is…YOU! That’s right, your continued support is what enables this ministry to keep spreading the Three Angels’ Message online. You are an essential part of the AudioVerse team, and to borrow from the Apostle Paul, “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you”! (Philippians 1:3)
This holiday season, as you do your shopping, remember that by shopping at AmazonSmile and selecting AudioVerse as your charity of choice, 0.5% of each qualifying purchase will go toward supporting the mission of AudioVerse. (See here for more details). It’s an easy way to contribute to AudioVerse while doing your Amazon Black Friday and Cyber Monday shopping!
Of course, you can also contribute to AudioVerse by credit card online at our donate page, or by check to our address below. Every dollar will be used to advance the work of the Three Angels online. And there’s still time for a year-end donation for a 2015 tax-deduction.
Let’s continue onward together until Jesus comes!
With a thankful heart,
Alistair Huong
Executive Director
P.S. This Thanksgiving holiday, I am thankful for the team members I get to work with as well as for you, the generous supporters of this ministry. Your continued contributions have been essential in taking the Gospel to the world online. Remember that you can help support AudioVerse every time you shop on Amazon by using AmazonSmile, and there’s still time for a year-end tax-deductible gift too. You may give by check to our address below, or you may also give online here.
AudioVerse | PO Box 2288 | Collegedale | TN | 37315