February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
1m read
We are extremely excited to be able to share with you about the most ambitious project ever undertaken by AudioVerse.
With over 7 billion people in the world today, the magnitude of the Gospel Commission has never been more daunting. And many of us have asked ourselves, How are all these people going to hear the Everlasting Gospel?
We know the Spirit of Prophecy tells us that an army of youth, rightly trained will help finish this work. In fact, the AudioVerse team has heard from countless individuals around the world who long to be trained for just this type of service! These are professionals who want to witness to their friends and colleagues, believers in countries with very few options for training, and everyday members in the pews who just want to get engaged in ministry. Maybe you’re even one of these people! But the reality is that many of these people are simply unable to get the training they need. Sometimes the training programs are too far away, too costly to attend, or it’s just too hard to get time off. Even online, there are very few affordable, high-quality resources for those seeking such training.
As we hear the world crying out for well-trained workers to deliver the Everlasting Gospel to them, we can see that indeed the harvest is plenteous, but the laborers are few. But there is good news! The potential for rapid, worldwide and cost-effective training of these laborers through the Internet is astounding, and with AudioVerse’s technology expertise plus its network of Adventist ministry partners, we believe we are uniquely positioned to make a big impact for God’s work in this area.
That’s why today, we are introducing AudioVerse Advance.
AudioVerse Advance is a brand new online Bible training school developed by the AudioVerse team that seeks to deliver practical, high-quality, Bible-based, faith-affirming training to anyone in the world, anywhere they can get online, any time of day. This dynamic online learning service will feature courses taught by godly instructors on relevant topics that will best equip you for service.
AudioVerse is partnering with Emmanuel Institute of Evangelism in the Michigan Conference to produce the flagship evangelism-training course, and we will also be working with many other partners to deliver a wide range of training courses across many subject areas.
For more information about AudioVerse Advance, and to stay updated on more details about the courses, visit: AVAdvance.org. Be sure to watch the promo video to see how AudioVerse Advance can be a blessing to you!
AudioVerse will be at GYC this year, so please drop by our booth to find out more about AudioVerse Advance! We’ll have lots of materials about the new school that you can take home to share with your family and friends.
We are targeting the launch of AudioVerse Advance for the summer of 2016, but we are introducing it to you today because we need your help.
Together with the teachers from Emmanuel Institute, we are already hard at work developing the courses and we are ready to start filming very soon! Nevertheless, there is still a lot of work to be done before this online school is ready for launch. A group of dedicated donors who believe in this vision have committed to match your gift toward this project dollar for dollar—that’s right, your gift toward AudioVerse Advance can have DOUBLE the impact for the Kingdom! Your gift of $50 becomes $100, and your gift of $500 becomes $1000! Your gifts are vital. Please consider a year-end gift to help God’s work advance!
To have your gift matched for this project, please follow this link to the AudioVerse Advance donate page to give by credit card. If you want your gift to go toward AudioVerse’s other needs, simply click the donate button at the top of this page. You can also give by check at our address below, but be sure to note “AudioVerse Advance” in the memo if you want it to be matched.
The inspiration for the name of this school comes from this passage from the Spirit of Prophecy:
I appeal to the teachers in our educational institutions not to let religious earnestness and zeal retrograde. Make no backward movements, but let your watchword be: "Advance." [6T 157.1]
Isn’t that our desire? Will you join us as we seek to train more laborers for the harvest?
Advance until Jesus comes!
Alistair Huong
Executive Director
P.S. We are excited to announce our most ambitious project ever: AudioVerse Advance. This is an exciting new online Bible training school designed to allow anyone in the world to get trained for active service for Jesus. We need your help to make this vision a reality, and your gifts toward this project will be matched dollar for dollar—effectively DOUBLING your impact! To partner with us financially for the developing of AudioVerse Advance, you may give by check to our address below and note “AudioVerse Advance” in the memo, or you may also give online at the AudioVerse Advance donate page here.
AudioVerse | PO Box 2288 | Collegedale | TN | 37315