February 5, 2025
Multiplying the Book of Books
4m read
A lot has happened in 2015! From the launch of our audio Bibles, to the release of the entire White Estate Spirit of Prophecy audiobook library, and the announcement of AudioVerse Advance just last week, AudioVerse’s tenth year has been one of tremendous activity. But we exist not simply to be busy with activity.
Sabine reminds us with her testimony:
I want to thank you for this site. I have been listening and learning sooooo much. It has changed my life. It has helped me so much with my kids and my relationship with my family. It has taken my relationship with God to another level. I have been sharing this site with anyone who will listen.
Individuals like Sabine are why AudioVerse exists. We exist to hasten the return of Jesus by preparing souls to be ready to meet Him. As I reflect on 2015 and all of the joys and sorrows that we have experienced in this past year, I can’t help but wonder what lies around history’s corner in 2016. One thing is for sure, and that is it brings us one year nearer to Jesus’ return!
AudioVerse is going to be at GYC next week in Louisville, Kentucky. Be sure to drop by our booth to visit with our team and to grab some material to share with your family and friends. We would love to meet you in person and are excited to tell you more about the new AudioVerse Advance online Bible training school. I will also be presenting a seminar at this year’s GYC called, “Beyond the Tithe: Practical Lesson on Personal Finance”, so please drop by to say hello!
GYC has also given AudioVerse the opportunity to share a little bit about how the Lord is touching lives through this ministry in a “Something is Happening” session. So we need YOUR stories! If you have a testimony about how AudioVerse has blessed your life that you would be willing for us to share at GYC, please email your story to kurt@audioverse.org.
If you or someone you know is a mission-minded web developer, we are looking for help! AudioVerse has huge plans for the future, and we need a confidently humble yet skilled developer to help us make them realities. If you are interested and will be at GYC, please drop by our booth to talk with us. If you’re not going to be at GYC, please email your resume to me at alistair@audioverse.org.
As this year draws rapidly to a close, there is still time for you to become a financial partner with AudioVerse to advance the Three Angels’ Message online. This ministry is possible only through your financial support, and there are countless more souls that need to hear the Everlasting Gospel. Your year-end contribution can be the means for that one additional soul to find Jesus!
If you are still making last-minute (or belated!) Christmas purchases on Amazon, remember that by using AmazonSmile and selecting AudioVerse as your charity of choice, 0.5% of each qualifying purchase will be donated to us.
You may give by check to our address below, or you can make general donations on our AudioVerse donate page. However, if you would like to give towards AudioVerse Advance, our new online school, your contribution will be matched dollar for dollar by certain generous donors to make your gift go twice as far. So if you would like your gift to be applied there, please follow this link to the AudioVerse Advance donate page. No matter where you give, these funds will be the means of reaching many more souls for the Kingdom!
Thank you again for your continued support.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Alistair Huong
Executive Director
P.S. AudioVerse will be at GYC! Please come visit us at our booth next week! We want to hear your stories, and would love to be able to share some of them on stage during our “Something is Happening” session. Just be sure to send us your stories ahead of time. We’re also looking for a web developer, please contact us if you or someone you know is interested!
P.P.S. There is still time to make a year-end contribution! You may give to AudioVerse’s general fund here, or you may give toward AudioVerse Advance to have your gift matched dollar for dollar here. Of course, you can always give by check to our mailing address below. (Just be sure to note “AudioVerse Advance” in the memo of your check if you wish it to be matched.)
AudioVerse | PO Box 2288 | Collegedale | TN | 37315