February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
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Just recently a new acquaintance shared with me that two of his friends who have had great spiritual revivals both attribute their transformation to the ministry of AudioVerse. One now leads Bible studies for over 30 to 40 people regularly, while the other schedules his business trips abroad to coincide with evangelistic mission trips where he preaches the Three Angels’ Messages.
Praise God! This is the reason why AudioVerse exists—to transform normal, everyday people like you and me into active, soul-winning disciples of Jesus. Who knew that the simple idea of posting Bible messages online would accomplish something like this? Indeed, God’s Word does not return unto Him void! (Isa 55:11)
Stories like this are why I’m looking forward to 2016. We are confident that the Lord is waiting to pour out His blessings for the finishing of His work, and we want to be ready for it. Here are just a few things we are looking forward to.
Our team was spiritually invigorated from attending the GYC conference last month—from listening to spirit-filled Bible messages, to praying with one another, worshiping with thousands of like-minded believers, and experiencing the warmth of our AudioVerse family at our booth—we are recharged for the coming year!
Since many have been asking, we are happy to confirm that once again GYC is graciously allowing AudioVerse to post the powerful messages from this year’s conference. Our team has been busy processing the hundreds of hours of messages, and we are excited to release those recordings on AudioVerse on February 2. Starting in just one week, you’ll be able access all of the media recordings and seminar handouts on AudioVerse and also listen to GYC conveniently from our mobile app. Many people tell me that it takes them nearly all year to digest all of the material from GYC, so we are glad to provide you with messages for this coming year very soon!
The biggest project to look forward to in 2016 is AudioVerse Advance. We were blown away by the incredibly positive response we received to this idea at GYC. We are energized to make it happen!
In just a few weeks, we will begin filming the courses with Emmanuel Institute of Evangelism of the Michigan Conference, and we will keep you updated with more information about the school as we continue. Stay tuned at the AudioVerse Advance website to find out more: AVAdvance.org.
The great news is that the matching fund are still available, so you can still get involved with this project in a way that doubles your influence. Each dollar you give toward AudioVerse will be matched by another dollar! To ensure that your gift is matched toward this project, please either note it in the memo of your check or the comments through PayPal.
Because of the growth of AudioVerse with projects like AudioVerse Advance (and others that are in the works), we need to bring another web developer onto our team. If you or someone you know might be interested, please click here to see the job listing:
Web Developer Needed! Click here to learn more!
As history turns its page to another year, we realize that it brings us one year closer to our Lord’s return. We believe that Jesus is coming soon! But may we ever remember Christ’s admonition to the people in Luke 19 who “thought that the kingdom of God should immediately appear”.
“Occupy till I come,” He says in Luke 19:13.
And that is exactly what we intend to do at AudioVerse. If you would like to partner with us in this work in 2016, we invite you to consider a financial gift to the ministry either through an online contribution at our donate page, or by check to our address below.
May God richly bless you in this new year, and may we each be ready when He comes.
Occupying until He comes,
Alistair Huong
Executive Director
P.S. There’s a lot to look forward to in 2016! GYC messages are coming to AudioVerse next week, and AudioVerse Advance courses will start filming shortly thereafter! AudioVerse is looking for a web developer to join the team, and your financial gifts towards AudioVerse Advance can still be matched. Join us in “occupying” in doing the Lord’s work this new year.
AudioVerse | PO Box 2288 | Collegedale | TN | 37315