February 5, 2025
Multiplying the Book of Books
4m read
I am constantly amazed at the way that the Lord works through the messages from AudioVerse to reach people. Just last week Dr. Norman McNulty, a physician and speaker on AudioVerse, shared the following story with me:
I had a really neat experience with a new patient at my office. She looked me up on the Internet to see if she could find anything about me. She found my sermons on AudioVerse, and listened to two of them the night before her appointment. (She said she really liked them!) Her grandmother was also with her in the appointment and somehow we started talking about the state of the dead. She admitted that they had looked into SDA beliefs on that as well before coming to see me because her grandmother had been talking to her dead son who died eight years ago. I was able to give her The Great Controversy as she really wanted to know more, and she may come hear my next sermon at a nearby church. She is not going to church right now and seems ripe for Bible studies. So thanks to AudioVerse, I had a wonderful opportunity to share more with her about our faith.
Amen! What a precious divine appointment! There are people hungering for the Truth, and God intends to reach them. It reminds me of this passage from Acts of the Apostles page 109:
All over the world men and women are looking wistfully to heaven. Prayers and tears and inquiries go up from souls longing for light, for grace, for the Holy Spirit. Many are on the verge of the kingdom, waiting only to be gathered in.
Who is going to gather in these precious souls?
It is precisely in answer to this question that we are creating AudioVerse Advance—to provide easily accessible and affordable online evangelism training to anyone in the world. That way we can have no excuse not to share the Gospel with our neighbors.
But you don’t have to just take my word for it. We have the teaser video to share with you for the upcoming Emmanuel Institute Personal Evangelism course that will be available at launch on AudioVerse Advance. Listen for yourself to Pastor Mark Howard explain how this course can enable you to be a fisher of men:
Whether we are doctors ministering to our patients, professionals serving our clients, teachers instructing our pupils, or anyone else in any other occupation, Jesus has called us to labor in His vineyard. May we take seriously this responsibility given to us!
In order for AudioVerse to continue proclaiming the Everlasting Gospel online so that other individuals like Dr. McNulty’s patient can find the Truth, we need your help! Those two sermons that she listened to were available to her only because of the financial support from someone like you. So your financial gift of any amount will go a long way to enabling many more to hear the message of Truth.
This ministry is possible only through the generous support from our listeners, so thank you in advance for your help! You may give by check to our address below, or you may also give via our online donate page here. You can also give to AudioVerse with every purchase on Amazon by using AmazonSmile, click here to learn more.
Laboring for the Master,
Alistair Huong
Executive Director
P.S. We are excited to share with you the teaser trailer for the Emmanuel Institute Personal Evangelism course for AudioVerse Advance! Get ready for this course that will teach you all you need to know to become an effective soul-winner for Christ. But you can already be a part of this exciting initiative today. Your financial gift will enable the work of AudioVerse to continue reaching countless thousands around the world every day! You may give by check to our address below or by credit card on our online donate page.
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