February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
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We are pleased to announced that AudioVerse Advance is here! Visit our new website to enroll today!
For just the first week of launch, a special 10% off promotion is available for everyone who enrolls in the Emmanuel Institute Personal Evangelism course. That’s right, from now through July 18, you can be the very first to get access to AudioVerse Advance and score a discount while you’re at it. The great thing is, you can take the course at your own pace and there’s no time limit to finish. So even if you may not be able to start your training right away, once enrolled, the class will be there for you whenever you’re ready. There’s no reason to delay!
Just make sure to use this promo code when you enroll (you can enter it when you checkout):
If you know a group of people who are interested in signing up, we also have group discounts available. This is a great option if your church wants to train a group of people together. Check out our Group Discount page for more details.
Additionally, we will begin production on the next two courses with Emmanuel Institute in just one week! We will be filming "Public Evangelism" and "Creating a Culture of Evangelism in Your Local Church" and look forward to having them ready for you in the next few months. Plus there's much more to come!
We'll also be at the 2016 ASI International Convention in Phoenix, AZ this August. We'll be recording all of the sessions and seminars, and of course, spreading the word about AudioVerse Advance too. If you are going to be there, please drop by our booth to say hello!
I want to express a special word of thanks to all of you who gave your financial support for the development of AudioVerse Advance. Just a little over a year ago, this was little more than a glimmer of an idea in our minds, but now it is a reality because of you. Praise God for your valuable partnership!
As we look forward to the future, we see how much more work remains to be done before Jesus can come, and we are eager to hasten that day! So your continued financial partnership is essential to enable AudioVerse and AudioVerse Advance to keep making the Truth available to as many as possible. Please consider being a partner in this work through a one-time gift or as a recurring donor on our donate page. Checks may also be made out to our address listed below.
Thank you and may the Lord's work keep advancing!
Alistair Huong
Executive Director
P.S. AudioVerse Advance is here! For everyone who enrolls in the first week of the launch, there is a special 10% discount for the Emmanuel Institute Personal Evangelism course with the promo code: AVALAUNCH. Make sure to save this code and spread the word!
AudioVerse | PO Box 2288 | Collegedale | TN | 37315