February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
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We launched AudioVerse Advance just a few weeks ago on July 11 and we are excited to see all of the students who have signed up to get trained to serve the Lord already. So far we have students from the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, Romania, Holland, Mexico, South Korea, Mongolia, with more being added all the time. Some of the make-up of the student body right now consists of college students, stay-at-home-moms, physicians, foreign missionaries, and even grandmas! It’s never too late to start getting active for the Lord, right?
Rather than me telling you about how things are going, let me share what some of our students are saying in their own words.
First we have a student who is confessing what many of us probably feel.
“Well, I'm going to admit right from the start that I feel just a tad out of my comfort zone ... but here goes anyway. I need this challenge and even though I could very easily ignore it, I'm not going to. I've been listening to audio verse for about 12 months now, consequently my 50-something-or-other brain is bursting at the seams! So it's about time I learnt how to share all this good news with others. May God bless my fellow class members with motivation, endurance and wisdom.”
Here is a testimony from a student from Oklahoma.
“I'm on a long personal journey returning to the Lord. I grew up in the Adventist Church & schools. Long story short, I left the church and completely walked away from God. Over the last couple years Audioverse has renewed my faith in God. Now I feel a calling for personal evangelism and giving Bible studies. I'm so glad for this opportunity for training.”
Another student who referred to herself as “Grandma from Washington State, USA” had this to say.
“I am a long-time listener of Audioverse, and have prayed for a long time for training I can do at home. Thank you for this training! I am devoting the last portion of my life to more effectively leading people to know our wonderful Savior and become effective workers together with Him.”
A sister in Christ shared the following.
“I work as a cross cultural missionary with a group of dedicated people in SE Asia in a country that is closed to Christian evangelism. I'm taking this class to see how much I can use with my people group.”
Finally, a student from Germany is inspired to share!
“This brief course is clear, well presented and with enough visual support: the message certainly inspires to action! Thank you so much. I will be recommending it to others!”
We are excited to tell others about AudioVerse Advance at the upcoming 2016 ASI International Convention. There will be a special ASI promotion for AudioVerse Advance available for attendees who visit our booth, so if you are going to be in Phoenix, be sure to drop by!
In addition, the AudioVerse team will also be recording all of the general sessions and seminars from the convention and we look forward to sharing all of those messages with you very soon.
It is obvious when we look at the state of our world that the end is very near. We also know that end will not come until the Gospel has been preached in all the world. It is my sincere belief that there are faithful men and women scattered across the globe who recognize the urgency of the times and are eager to help finish the work. All they need is a little inspiration and training.
How do I know?
Because of the testimonies from the students who have signed up for AudioVerse Advance already. I believe there are many more just like them.
The harvest truly is plenteous, so it’s time to train the laborers to go gather in that harvest! You can aid in the accomplishing of this work by partnering with AudioVerse through your financial support. Your gift will enable us to put within reach, the essential Gospel training to countless of eager disciples of Jesus and to develop more resources in the future.
Please consider either a one-time or recurring gift via our online donate page, or a gift by check to our mailing address below.
Thank you and let us continue laboring for the Master!
Alistair Huong
Executive Director
P.S. The AVA students are excited about what they are learning, and we are eager to let more people know about the training available through AVA. Please consider partnering with us with your financial support to enable even more people to receive practical training to win souls for Jesus! You may give online on our donate page or by check to our address below.
AudioVerse | PO Box 2288 | Collegedale | TN | 37315