February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
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It is undeniable that one of the most effective ways to transform societies and propel movements is to influence the children and youth. History is littered with examples from Hitler’s Nazi Germany to Communist regimes around the world and even to the extreme terrorists of today. Whoever wins the kids, wins it all.
God has operated under the same principle throughout the ages too. Proverbs 22:6 tells us, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” The importance of this is reflected in the careful admonition given through Moses to Israel and through the voluminous writings of Ellen White on this subject to us today. God wants us to win the children for Him!
With such easy access to every vile and uncouth thing on the internet and through modern media, it is a daunting uphill battle to raise children that are “in the world, but not of the world”. Many AudioVerse users are parents with young children, and we praise God for how these converted mothers and fathers are taking a more proactive and serious role in raising their kids for the Kingdom.
But we believe we can do more.
In 2017, AudioVerse will be rolling out new material geared specifically for the children—Engaging, character-building material that will develop faith and foster a love for Jesus.
Today, we are launching the new “Stories” section on AudioVerse where stories for kids (large and small!) can be found. Just look in the menu bar on our website to find them. This will also be reflected in our mobile apps soon once they are updated on their respective app stores.
We will roll out new stories and other things for the kids throughout the year, but I am happy to announce that our very first partner is none other than Your Story Hour.
Growing up, I remember not wanting to get out of the car even after we got home for fear of missing any portion of the Your Story Hour story that was playing on the radio. I’m sure many of you have similar stories. So now that I am a parent myself, I am delighted at the opportunity to share some of these high-quality stories with my daughter as well.
We are deeply grateful to Your Story Hour for being willing to share these stories with the AudioVerse family. The selection of stories they have made available can be streamed for free on our website and mobile apps. To help them continue producing many more stories in the future, we encourage our listeners to visit their website to purchase the stories if they wish to obtain a downloadable or CD copy.
As another partner deeply interested in winning our youth for Jesus, GYC is graciously allowing AudioVerse to redistribute the messages from their recent 2016 conference again this year. What a blessing it was visiting many of the AudioVerse family in Houston a few weeks ago. The blessings can continue all year long as you catch up on all the messages from the GYC 2016: When All Has Been Heard conference. Look for them on AudioVerse beginning January 31.
May the Lord bless you in 2017!
Alistair Huong
Executive Director
AudioVerse | PO Box 2288 | Collegedale | TN | 37315