February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
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AudioVerse is a ministry that blends the age-old, inspired Word of God with modern, innovative technology—all for the object of reaching as many souls as possible with the Three Angels’ Message. With technology changing all the time, we are always on our toes to keep up with the shifting landscape and to invest in the right things at the right time. As a part of this effort, we’re happy to announce that AudioVerse is now available for the Amazon Echo.
For those of you who aren’t familiar, Amazon Echo is a family of “smart speakers” powered by Amazon’s artificial intelligence named Alexa. They are internet-connected devices that you can interact with simply by speaking. So what this means is that now, you can simply say to your Echo, “Alexa, ask AudioVerse to play new sermons” and it will automatically start playing the latest message released on AudioVerse.
You can enable the AudioVerse skill and to see the currently available commands for Alexa by visiting the AudioVerse Alexa Skills page. This is very much a work in progress since the feature set is still quite basic and rudimentary. So feel free to contact us with your suggestions for new features, and we will continue to make it better.
We’re not standing still with AudioVerse Advance either. We want to remind you that with flu season in full-swing, now is a great time to learn how to attain optimal health naturally with the Introduction to Natural Remedies course by LIGHT that we launched not long ago. Additionally, we are working with the Wildwood Center of Health Evangelism on two more courses that will be available soon.
With springtime around the corner and the gardening season about to begin (for those of us in the northern hemisphere, anyway), we are developing an organic gardening course with Bob Gregory of Berea Gardens. You can be on the lookout for this to launch on AudioVerse Advance in the next few weeks.
When we were at GYC in December, we had the opportunity to film testimonies of many of users from around the world. If you haven’t watched them already, you can see all of them on our Facebook page or YouTube channel.
Andrew was one of the individuals we interviewed and he told a story of how a sermon a friend played for him at 4 o’clock in the morning led to him giving up many idols for Jesus. You can see his testimony here:
Andrew is a reminder that at AudioVerse, we cannot be simply about technology for the sake of technology. We need to remember that the purpose for what we do is ultimately for the salvation of souls, and the technology we use is simply the means to bring a person into contact with the regenerative Word of God.
I want to thank you for your support that has enabled this ministry to do what it’s been able to do already, but I also ask for your continued financial support for this work to continue in the future. Building new apps and services, maintaining software across more platforms, adding new courses to AudioVerse Advance, expanding to new languages, and continuing to deliver more messages to more people require greater resources. That’s why we need your help!
Please consider a gift today.
You may give by check to our address below, or you may give via our donate page or our PayPal Giving Fund page (which saves the ministry the credit card transaction fees). However you choose to give, know that every dollar will be put to use in reaching more souls with the Word of God. Thank you in advance for your financial partnership.
Your fellow worker,
Alistair Huong
Executive Director
P.S. Check out the new AudioVerse skill for your Amazon Echo devices! (We welcome your feedback to make it better!) If you’re considering buying an Echo for yourself or a loved one, remember to use our AmazonSmile link so a portion of your purchase goes to help AudioVerse!
P.P.S. Your financial support is essential to continue AudioVerse’s work of utilizing modern technology to deliver God’s Word to needy souls around the world. Consider a gift today either by check to our address below, or online through our donate page or our PayPal Giving Fund page. Thank you for your financial partnership.
AudioVerse | PO Box 2288 | Collegedale | TN | 37315