February 5, 2025
Multiplying the Book of Books
4m read
Are you or someone you love suffering from type 2 diabetes?
It is estimated that over 100 million Americans suffer from either diabetes or pre-diabetes. One out of three people! This is truly a shocking number. That’s why diabetes type 2 has been called the “Black Plague” of our generation.
But is there a cure?
Most doctors, dietitians, healthcare professionals, Big Pharma—even the American Diabetes Association!—maintains that diabetes type 2, once diagnosed, is a lifelong disease that must be managed with medication, and cannot be cured, reversed or put in remission.
But is that really the truth?
Many recent, peer-reviewed scientific studies (including a massive study by the National Institute of Health) have shown that type 2 diabetes CAN be put in remission. It CAN be reversed.
What the research is finding is that diabetes type 2 is a lifestyle disease—meaning, it’s caused by the lifestyle choices we make. Not surprisingly then, by changing things like your diet and how much (and when) you exercise, diabetes type 2 CAN be reversed.
But what exactly do you need to change? What do you eat (and not eat) and what kind of exercise is necessary? What about genetics? What about insulin resistance? What about the science behind this?
These questions and more are answered in Diabetes Undone, the diabetes reversal program developed by our friends at Life and Health Network. They partnered with Dr. Wes Youngberg, a leading diabetes expert, author and professor with over 20 years’ experience working with and reversing diabetes in literally thousands of patients.
Normally, he charges thousands of dollars to work with patients to reverse their disease in his clinic in southern California. But together with Life and Health Network, they created a comprehensive course called Diabetes Undonethat doesn’t just tell you that diabetes remission is possible---they show you HOW to do it. It’s a 6.5 hour, video-based, online course broken up into 41 short chapters with a workbook, cookbook and 21 day journal.
In partnership to make this information more widely available to more people, AudioVerse is promoting this life-changing course through our online storeand our online school. As affiliates of this program, a portion of the proceeds generated through the sale from our unique link will go toward supporting the AudioVerse ministry.
What’s even better is that for a limited time from June 23-28 this month, they are offering the entire course for FREE!(A $100 value.) This is an incredible health evangelism opportunity to your family and friends that you won’t want to miss. Physical copies of the course are also available for sale if you prefer to give it as a gift to someone you know.
If you or someone you know is struggling with type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes, you need to watch this program—it can change your life!
To your future,
Alistair Huong
Executive Director
P.S. AudioVerse is partnering with Life and Health Network to share Diabetes Undone, an innovative course on how to reverse type 2 diabetes naturally. This is an incredible medical evangelism tool that has helped countless people get control of their health already. All sales through the AudioVerse affiliate link will result in a portion of the proceeds going toward supporting this ministry. But for a limited time, from June 23-28 this month, the entire course is being offered for FREE!Click here to find out more information and to reserve your FREE SPOT to watch the entire course for free!