February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
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Not long ago, we receive the following message from Amber:
Thank you guys for all you do. My son has been away from the Lord for quite some time and thanks to your work he has renewed interest and has been listening every day to AudioVerse and [the] audio Bible and I couldn’t be happier. He is craving a relationship with his Lord and Savior...praise the Lord.
Amen! There are few testimonies that bring us more joy than those of the Lord bringing wayward young people back to His side. I know that Amber is not alone as a parent earnestly praying for the salvation of her children. For the many hurting parents who long to see their children in the Kingdom, here is a precious promise of a God who hears our prayers for them:
We are sometimes put to our wit's end to know what to do; but we can take the children to God in our prayers, pleading that they may be kept from evil, praying, “Now, Lord, do Thy work; soften and subdue the hearts of our children,” and He will hear us. He hearkens to the prayers of the weeping, careworn mothers. [FE 160.3]
Moreover, we have the promise in Malachi 4:6 that before Jesus comes, “he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers”. There is still hope even for the most hopeless as long as we trust in the mighty power of our God to save to the uttermost!
Thank you for your ongoing financial support that enables AudioVerse to continue providing the life-changing, Bible-based messages that has drawn Amber’s son back to the Lord. We know that there are countless others who experience the same revival and reformation in their lives through the impact of these messages, even if we haven’t heard their story yet. Your help is needed to ensure we continue to reach them!
Please consider becoming a financial partner with AudioVerse to enable this work to continue. You may give by check to our address listed below, or digitally via our donate page.
Thank you for your support and may we soon—along with all our children—be in the Kingdom together at last!
Alistair Huong
Executive Director
P.S. AudioVerse is making an impact in lives young and old! Your financial support will enable this work of preparing all generations for the coming of Jesus to continue online. You may partner with us by giving at our online donation page. Thank you for your gifts today!
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