February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
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Join us for the Three Angels’ Messages: Into All the World ASI 2021 Convention!
Seventh-day Adventists have a very unique, specific, and urgent call. The three angels’ messages, given in Revelation 14, are the pillar of the Adventist movement! Unfortunately, this vital truth has been lost in time. Today, fewer and fewer Adventists are aware or understand the importance of this message. Are you ready to embrace the truth of God’s love and redemption? Are you ready to make this call your very own?
Together, we will study in detail this pillar of the Adventist church! By the end of convention, you will understand your mission in the Three Angels’ movement. You will be given the tools you need to make this call your own. You will discover your place in the Adventist movement.
Recover the truth. Find your place. Embrace your mission.
Listen to ASI’s 2021 International Convention HERE!