February 5, 2025
Multiplying the Book of Books
4m read
Dear AudioVerse Friend,
So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. – Isaiah 55:11
As Christians, we know that the Bible contains life-changing power. But did you know that this has been scientificallyproven to be true?
The Center for Bible Engagement (CBE), an organization dedicated to researching and promoting the regular use of Scripture, found through surveying over 400,000 people around the world that those who engage with the Bible for the majority of each week, either by reading or listening, live profoundly different lives than those who don’t.
They say in their own words:
“A key discovery from the CBE research is that the life of someone who engages scripture 4 or more times a week looks radically different from the life of someone who does not. In fact, the lives of Christians who do not engage the Bible most days of the week are statistically the same as the lives of non-believers.”
They found that those who engage with Scripture at least 4 times a week were:
- 74% less likely to gamble
- 68% less likely to have sex outside of marriage
- 59% less likely to view pornography
- 30% less likely to struggle with loneliness
- 228% more likely to share their faith with others
- 407% more likely to memorize Scripture
These are remarkable statistics that confirm the power of God’s Word to transform our lives! What an encouragement for us to commit to spending that regular, habitual time with God in His Word.
And better than just reading or listening to the Bible 4 days a week, why not every day?
The audio Bibles on AudioVerse are excellent resources for us to engage with God’s Word on a regular basis, and we know many of our users do just that because they are the most listened to content on our platform!
We are excited to share that we have some new audio Bibles to help us stay engaged with His Word. We have a new KJV voice-only narration that replaces the previous version. And for the very first time, we have the NKJV version audio Bible to share. The popular dramatized KJV version remains available as well, but due to some updated licensing terms, that entry will not be compatible with the full suite of features on our platform.
Additionally, we continue to have a large selection of Spirit of Prophecy audio books to complement our regular Bible study.
With the wealth of rich spiritual resources at our fingertips, there is no excuse for us to neglect regular time with God in His Word. May we receive the life-changing power that He wishes to give us each day!
We shared in our newsletter last month of a web developer job opening at AudioVerse, and we are still accepting applications! We’re considering applicants with frontend, backend, and full stack development experience, so if you or someone you know might be interested, please get in touch!
To find out more about this position, check out the job description linked below.
AudioVerse Web Developer Job Description
AudioVerse is single-mindedly focused on helping others to hear the Word, and this work is possible only through the generous financial support of our listeners like you. Thank you for playing an active role in enabling people around the world to listen to the Gospel message through sermons, audio books, children’s stories, scripture songs, and audio Bibles. With the findings of the CBE on the effects of regular Bible engagement, we don’t need to wonder whether the ministry of AudioVerse is having an impact!
To help us continue this life-changing work, please consider a gift today to enable this ministry to reach many others. To give a one-time gift or to set up recurring donations, you may do so online at our donate page or by check to our address below.
Thank you for sharing God’s Word with many others!
Alistair Huong
Executive Director
P.S. Check out the brand new NKJV audio Bible we have available now on AudioVerse!
P.P.S. AudioVerse is hiring! If you are a web developer who’s interested in using your skills for the Lord, check out the job opening here to see if this may be where the Lord is calling you.
AudioVerse | PO Box 2288 | Collegedale | TN | 37315