February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
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AudioVerse and Amazing Facts are working together to bring you more regular messages from Pastor Doug Batchelor and the Amazing Facts team.
To start, you will see that we now have available the full set of Amazing Facts Bible Study Guides in audio. These guides are excellent to pair with the printed study guides for studying with our friends. It’s also a great resource for those who prefer to listen instead of reading.
Also, we now have available the “Bible Answers Live!” programs that Pastor Doug hosts with Pastor Jean Ross each week. We know that these weekly programs have been a tremendous blessing to many listeners throughout the years, and we are thrilled to make them available on AudioVerse as well.
This is only the beginning! We have additional messages from the flagship Amazing Facts program as well as many of Joe Crews’ classic sermons on the way too. Keep Amazing Facts in your personal AudioVerse library, so you can stay up-to-date with the latest content from them as soon as they are released.
Did you know that AudioVerse has nearly 30,000 messages in our collection now?
These messages represent many years of collaboration with many Adventist ministries from around the world. Today's renewed relationship with Amazing Facts is just one of many such partnerships we have established through the years and reflects the spirit of united purpose that we believe is needed to finish God’s work.
Sourcing and processing all of this content comprise a fair bit of the behind-the-scenes work at AudioVerse, and this is possible only by having committed team members who serve quietly and faithfully outside the limelight. Your financial gifts provide the necessary support to enable these team members to continue this work of collaboration and broadcasting the final message of the Three Angels.
Please consider supporting the ongoing mission of AudioVerse through a financial gift today or by becoming a recurring donor. Your financial partnership is vital for this work to continue. You may give online at our donate page or by check to our address below.
Thank you for your generous support!
Alistair Huong
Executive Director
AudioVerse | PO Box 2288 | Collegedale | TN | 37315