February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
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There’s nothing we enjoy more than to hear from our listeners of how God has used AudioVerse to be a blessing to them.
I recently had the privilege of becoming acquainted with Pastor Richard Orango from Kenya who was kind enough to share his testimony of how the Lord used AudioVerse to transform his life. I believe you will be inspired as you hear his story.
Here it is, in his own words.
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
My name is Richard Orango Ayiera from Kenya. God has blessed my wife and I with four children, three boys and one girl.
I was brought up in a Methodist family and in 2001, I enrolled in the Methodist University and received my bachelor’s degree in theology. In 2008, I was ordained as a Methodist pastor. I served in various positions until 2014, when I went to the Methodist Theological University in Seoul, South Korea to study for a master’s degree in theology. I returned to Kenya after that and continued to serve the Methodist church.
In 2020, I became friends with Eugene Prewitt on Facebook and we struck up a correspondence. When I realized he was an Adventist educator, my first desire was to learn more about Ellen White. He sent me videos about Ellen and told me that if I needed to learn more, to visit www.audioverse.org and to get the AudioVerse app.
Indeed, when I downloaded that app, I found many great presenters—men of God. From that time on, I learned so much about the Sabbath, prophecy, judgment, the Ten Commandments, and much more. I learned so much more about the Bible than even from my theology degrees—and at much lower cost!
I came to understand that God’s Commandments are very important—all of them. They are eternal. The Sabbath will be in the New Heaven and New Earth (Isaiah 66:22,23). That means anyone who goes to heaven will worship God on the Sabbath there. I read Psalm 89:34, “My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips.” It is God who said, “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.” Therefore, He will not change or alter what He has spoken. When Jesus came here to Earth, it was His custom to go to the synagogue and worship God on the Sabbath day. His disciples and apostles did the same. Who are we to not worship Him on the Sabbath day? Then we cannot do ANYTHING AGAINST THE TRUTH BUT FOR THE TRUTH. (2 Corinthians 13:8) Jesus did what we must do, and what sins He hated, we must also hate. But as He loved sinners, so must we love.
The presenters who put the “last nail in the coffin” for me to convert from Methodism were Pastors Stephen Bohr, Benjamin Ng, and Mark Finley.
Two years ago, I said I need to worship God on the Sabbath so that I can worship Him in the New Heaven and New Earth. So I joined the Seventh-day Adventist Church through profession of faith during camp meeting. (I was already baptized by immersion and used to baptize members by immersion as well.)
When I joined Adventism, I left my friends, my title, and my income because of the Truth. Since then, many delegations from the Methodist Church have been sent to my home asking me to go back; even offering me the post of a Bishop if I did. I have only said, “No.” With the truth I have found from AudioVerse, there’s no turning back to Sunday now.
I have many pastor friends I remain in touch with via WhatsApp, and whenever they ask me what happened, I introduce them to AudioVerse! I pray that they will be changed as I was. Amen.
Now what am I doing because I left my job? I am currently working as a security guard. People think I am a mad man, but that is how far the Truth has taken me–the Truth I found through AudioVerse. Romans 8:28 really encourages me:
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
After going through last quarter's Sabbath school lesson, “God’s Mission, My Mission,” it really touched me. The Triune God is the originator of Mission and is a Missionary God. He can accomplish His mission with us or without us, so it is a privilege for us to partner with Him. So I pray that the Lord will use me in His mission to help prepare a people to worship Him in the New Heaven and New Earth.
God bless the AudioVerse team!
Pastor Richard
We praise God for the sacrificial commitment to the Truth that Pastor Richard demonstrates to us. I don’t know about you, but I am inspired by his story to renew my commitment to serve the Lord with all I have too.
Since our initial communication, Pastor Richard has been put in touch with several sister ministries, including Outpost Centers International, where he is being connected with potential opportunities to serve in ministry. We know God has a place for Him to labor in His vineyard.
Stories like these demonstrate why AudioVerse exists. The Word of God transforms lives, and our work is to deliver that Word to as many as possible. Thank you for your support that enabled Pastor Richard to have free access to these life-changing messages.
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The Harvest Truly is Plenteous,
Alistair Huong
Executive Director