February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
1m read
I am thrilled to announce today something we’ve looked forward to for many years. For the first time ever, we are happy to share Pathways of the Pioneers with the AudioVerse family.
Pathways of the Pioneers is a 116-part dramatized audio story series chronicling the history of the Adventist Church, produced by the Your Story Hour team and published by The Review and Herald Publishing Association. The stories of our pioneers and all they went through to found God’s Remnant Church are masterfully brought to life in vivid and gripping manner.
My wife and I, along with many other parents, have used these stories in our kids’ homeschool curriculum and they are great for road trips. Want something to replace screen time? These stories are just the thing! If your family is anything like mine, it won’t be long before even the adults will beg to keep listening!
If indeed, “we have nothing to fear for the future, except as we shall forget the way the Lord has led us, and His teaching in our past history (LS 196.2),” then these enduring stories will help us meet the future with courage. You will be educated, edified, moved, and inspired as you listen to God’s providential leading in the Great Advent Movement.
To start listening to Pathways of the Pioneers now on AudioVerse, just click here:
Since they were originally produced, the Pathways of the Pioneers series has only been distributed through official denominational outlets—the primary being hard copy sales of CDs through the Adventist Book Centers.
AudioVerse is the first channel outside of official church entities to gain permission to distribute this series digitally!
Arriving at mutually beneficial terms was one of the reasons why it took a few years to get to this point. However, I want to thank Melinda Worden from The Review and Herald Publishing Association for all her support and help to make this a reality!
What this means practically is that there is an ongoing licensing fee for AudioVerse to keep Pathways of the Pioneers on our platform. So your financial support is needed in order to keep these stories available on AudioVerse and for them to impact more people.
Depending on the response to Pathways of the Pioneers and the financial support we receive from our listeners, the door is open for us to obtain rights to additional stories. (Such as Arthur Maxwell’s The Bible Stories and My Bible Friends, to name a few.) Please let us know what you think!
If these stories are a blessing to you and you’d like to pass on the blessing to someone else who has not yet heard them, we invite you to join us in being a financial partner in sponsoring these recordings.
To give specifically to support the licensing of these stories and others in the future, simply visit our donate page and select “Content Licensing” in the drop-down menu of options. Since these licensing fees are an ongoing expense, we hope you will consider a recurring gift to keep the blessings flowing!
You may also give by check to our address below, and if you would like to give by credit card but are concerned about transaction fees, you may consider giving through PayPal Giving Fund instead.
We hope you enjoy Pathways of the Pioneers as much as we do, and please write to us to let us know if you’d like other stories like these to be added to our library.
Thank you for your support!
Alistair Huong
Executive Director
AudioVerse | PO Box 2288 | Collegedale | TN | 37315