February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
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Have you had trouble accessing AudioVerse lately? We have too! Please allow us to fill you in on some details and to give you a chance to help us solve the problem.
Soon after AudioVerse was started, the Lord blessed it with a tremendous web hosting solution. A friend of the Cause who operates his own Internet Service Provider, Hub3 Networks, offered to host our website free of cost. We ended up installing a dedicated web server in his Data Center. That arrangement remains to this day and has saved AudioVerse literally thousands of dollars in web hosting costs.
At the time, we had limited funds and a limited understanding of where the Lord would take AudioVerse. So we pooled resources with another ministry and purchased an entry-level web server. It had a single-core Pentium 4 processor and 256 MB of memory.
That was early in 2006. Fast-forward three years, and AudioVerse has become practically a household name among English-speaking Seventh-day Adventists worldwide. AudioVerse penetrates into literally every inhabited region of the world, even into persecuted countries like China, Pakistan, Iran, and Egypt. It has over 10 times the amount of traffic it did three years ago, now with over 1,600 recordings in its catalog, 20,000 unique visitors per month, and 80,000 MP3 downloads per month. These numbers are increasing. During our last major traffic peak, it was rated in the Top 1% of websites worldwide in terms of traffic (according to Alexa.com.)
This has had a significant impact on our little web server. Not only has the traffic been burdening it more and more, but we've continued to add features which increase the burden even more. We've done our best to squeeze out the maximum performance and minimize the impact of added features. We've tweaked configuration setting after configuration setting. We've also added more memory. But this has gone about as far as it can. Despite our best efforts, our web pages are loading more slowly than ever. And too many times over the last year, our website has been completely inaccessible.
This problem has already begun to limit our growth. Every hour that the server is slow or inaccessible, potentially hundreds of people are forced to turn away who might otherwise be blessed with tremendous spiritual awakenings. We've also had to cut certain website features just to make the server accessible.
In order to continue bringing you the powerful spiritual substance you love and rely upon, and in order to keep pace with the rapidly changing nature of the Internet, the time has come to upgrade to a more powerful server.
We've researched the options and decided to build a new server ourselves. We've come up with a configuration that should provide rock-solid stability and excellent performance well into the future. It has 8 processor cores and 12 GB of memory. And unlike our current server, it has RAID real-time data redundancy. The total cost of this project is estimated at $3,000. This includes the cost of hardware, taxes, shipping, handling, and installation.
While much about AudioVerse has changed during the last three years, some things haven't. Being a volunteer-operated and donation-funded ministry, we lack the funds needed for this new server. But we believe that with God all things are possible.
Have you been blessed by AudioVerse? Has it caused spiritual revival and reformation in the lives of you and your loved ones? Would you like to see it expand even more? Will you partner with us both in prayer and financially, to ensure AudioVerse's continued presence and expansion? Your donation is tax-deductible in the USA. Any amount is appreciated. For more information on donating, please see our donations page. Please mark your donation "New Server".
Thank you, from the bottoms of our hearts.
The AudioVerse Team