February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
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Summer at AudioVerse has been busy! Here's a little report of what we've been up to.
59th General Conference Session
From June 23-July 3, 2010, AudioVerse exhibited a booth at the 59th General Conference session in Atlanta, Georgia. Over the course of the event, thousands of visitors stopped by our booth, where we distributed more than 9,000 AudioVerse stickers and 5,000 free sermon audio CDs. What a special opportunity to tell attendees from all over the world about our website with free sermon resources!
Perhaps you are aware that The Geoscience Research Institute and the General Conference Faith and Science Council provided special noon and evening meetings titled Yes, Creation! during the General Conference session. The meetings examined current faith and science issues pertaining to the issue of creation. AudioVerse is delighted that select recordings were provided to us to include in our library.
On the last Sabbath of the GC session, newly-elected world church president Elder Ted N.C. Wilson’s sermon titled “Go Forward” excited a buzz among attendees at the Georgia Dome, as well as those watching on Hope Channel and 3ABN around the world. AudioVerse was privileged to obtain a copy of the recording and transcript.
The summer definitely didn’t quiet down for the AudioVerse team after the GC session, the next major event was the Adventist-laymen’s Services and Industries (ASI) meetings in August in Orlando, FL. AudioVerse partnered with Little Light Ministries and recorded all plenary sessions and seminars in both audio and video formats. During one of the plenary sessions, AudioVerse leaders were also interviewed during an ASI Members In Action segment.
Looking ahead
Keep your eyes open for recordings from Adventist Medical Evangelism Network (AMEN), as we’ll be there recording again this year. And in December, look for AudioVerse’s booth in the exhibit hall at the GYC. You can also listen to recordings from previous AMEN and GYC conferences on our website.