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Share your storyAudio Verse, please never go away. I love listening such great messages and sermons. They are an inspiration in my life and a blessing.
I thank God for you...because all these messages helped me realize my true longing...to know how much Jesus loves me and His purpose for my life. God bless you! God bless you! God bless you!
I have been following Audioverse since 2006 when a friend told me to go here and find a sermon series called Restoration 2004 recorded at Loma Linda, featuring David Asscherick. That was a pivotal moment in my Christian life, and I've been in love with Audioverse ever since. Please look that series up it will change your life too.
I love how the website has been updated to be more mobile device (iPad) friendly, and the design is one that I really like. They have a small budget, but they accomplish so much for the Lord Jesus.
I pray that God blesses the hands that made this site and strengthens them with his spirit to continue to make it even better
Audioverse inspires me. It's the best site I've ever wanted. Good job, the message will reach all the inhabitants of the Earth for sure.
True the gospel message shall be preached to all the world before the end of times. God richly bless you for your innovation. I rate this site 5 star.
I love audioverse. Instead of killing time watching telly, I can be inspired and learn abut God. May God continue to bless this life changing ministry.
I am a young elder who has much to learn and I found your site yesterday. It has been a huge blessing and resource. Thanks for taking the time to put together such a great tool. The site looks great and is very user friendly. The downloads are a wonderful feature as well. God bless your team and keep it up!
I thank God for inspiring the founders of Audioverse to develop this website. I started visiting your website last week and have enjoyed all the sermons I listened to. They have given me a reason not to watch TV (which was something I did a lot), and to concentrate on my spiritual life and walk with the Lord. May God continually bless your ministry. I already shared this website with my friends and will continue doing so. This is really needed by the youth cause we are caught in materialism and being worldly that we forget our true calling. God Bless.
This summer I had the opportunity to go colporteuring and one of the doors that I canvassed had heard of and listened to Doug Batchelor and wanted to listen to more sermons so I gave them a card of Audioverse.org that I got at GYC and they were so thankful and that night they were going to pick a sermon to listen to! Praise God for this site.
Audioverse is has truly been a blessing for me as I have discovered and learned some solid Bible and SOP based present truth. It has truly opened my eyes in many ways through the various messages by various messengers. May God continue to bless all those involved in Audioverse maintenance or/ and production.
I absolutely love Audioverse. It has helped me a lot in my walk. To God be the glory for inspiring Tim & Curtis to harness the power of technology in such a powerful way.
I have learned so much from these messages. Thank-you! May God continue to bless your ministry.