
Have a great testimony? Tell us your story!

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  • I am an Adventist from Malawi. I got baptised into the church 6 years ago. I cannot describe what a great resource Audioverse is, it has been my 'mother' and my 'school' that grounded me in Adventist principles from scratch. It has accompanied me in high and low moments. I listen to it as I drift off to sleep almost every night. I am spoilt for choice with inexhaustible sermons that cover practically everything. I believe that when the founders came up with this idea they had no idea just how far reaching it would be and you may never know in this life the great influence that this site has been on many lives. Keep on with the good work even in the dark days and when everything seems routine God is using this mightily. Thank you and glory be to God.

    T.P. from Malawi, 4/25/18
  • I thank God for the audioverse team. 
    I'm an Adventist from Nigeria and since I learned about audioverse a year ago, it has tremendously propelled my spiritual growth as an Adventist.
    I'm convinced audioverse is impacting other lives around the world.
    The Lord will richly bless you all.

    P.K. from Nigeria, 3/12/18
  • God has been a guide and protector of myself in a foreign land(China) for 5 years without trouble. I am grateful.

    C.B. from China, 11/2/17
  • My testimony is, I'm very happy how God send Angels and work in different ways to protect us, this last Monday I hear a voice telling me you have to be out of this situation and let things go, i follow my angel voice and now I'm safe and recovering in a very best way. I'm so Happy God answer my prayers and I believe Angel always protecting me. Praise the Lord

    A. from USA, 10/12/17
  • I praise God for AudioVerse. I mean that quite seriously. Just about four years ago, I was privileged with the opportunity to learn of the Advent messege from those God had lead me to meet—my very 1st Adventists. Today, only by Christ's continued love that was shown, can I say that I am profoundly honoured that He has allowed me to be a recipient of His truths as is layed out in the Scriptures and in His testimonies through Ellen Gould White! The learning of much of these thruths, were by way of AudioVerse. Being able to search for topics that I had not known, or thoroughly, and having many different speakers expounding on the same thing, gave not only knowledge, but also an assurance that God's Spirit is indeed leading His people—no confusion. Of course, by God's grace was I sheilded from anything that may have been damaging to my faith, and I found myself, as I grew, learning the truths found within the Bible right before error had a chance to present itself in my daily experiences. AudioVerse, in my estimation, is a tool God has blessed in providing for those with an honest heart, a means by which to grow in docrine—which must never be divorced from Christ. The two go hand in hand! I learned of many passages of Scripture, quotes of the Testimonies and also many great teachers because of AudioVerse. May God continue to bless AudioVerse in providing content that(I believe) is sifted for doctrinally sound presentations that are in line with the movement Christ Himself has called many to; in preparing a people to meet Him at His coming!

    J.P. from California, USA, 10/9/17
  • Next to the Bible and EGW books, AudioVerse has been a most amazing blessing in my spiritual life and walk with God. A true lifesaver. A blessing beyond words. Thank you.

    H.K. from Ohio, USA, 10/9/17
  • It has been an invaluable blessing to be able to virtually “attend” all of the conferences and seminars that you have made available for free. Talks about science, agriculture, health, and the Bible—all from the comfort of my own home. And it’s great to be able to share them with friends so easily. Thank you AudioVerse!

    Joyce C. - An App user, 5/1/17
  • If it wasn't for Audioverse, I may have never discovered what it really means to be an Adventist. At age 16 my IPOD was at first filled with music and audio novels that did nothing to enhance my relationship with Jesus. But after discovering one sermon on this site I was not only hooked on the messages found here, but more importantly on the word of God! Sermons began to replace music and audiobooks. A short time later for every song on my Ipod there was a dozen or so sermons!

    V. from Michigan, USA, 11/7/16
  • At the age of 3 I had a drowning accident. Then the doctor thoght that I was dead when my family took my body to hospital, but God have saved my life. At the age of 7, because of my accident, I've had some brain problem and could not study like others in my age. But still God blessed me and I've succeed. By the age of 20 I met the Lord, who change my life. He delivered me from my thug life, from alcohol, and impure thoughts. I was then a hip hop artist who was becoming famous but now I want to glorify Jesus Christ.

    The sermons by Ivor Myers are similar to mine. These messages have touched my heart and brought me to a life changing experience. I'm 30yrs old. May the Lord bless Audio Verse Ministry it's a blessing.

    B.J.N. from Mauritius Island, 10/3/16
  • Hello AUDIO VERSE. Am writing to thank you all for the great you are doing. Thanks for partnering with JESUS CHRIST in the work of evangelism and fulfilling Matthew 28:19,20. May God continue blessing you and financing you in all your works. YOUR SERMONS ARE OF GREAT HELP TO ME.

    K.C. from Kenya, Africa, 7/14/16
  • I have been unable to access my usual internet connection to the HMS Richards preaching which I love to hear. Thank you AUDIOVERSE ADVANCE for this cite. Thank God for brethren who listen and are obedient to our Lord's instruction. I now can once more listen to one of my favourite preachers and in addition access messages from other preachers . May your ministry prosper in the Lord and in the Power of HIs Might.

    R.E. from Kingston, Jamaica, 3/21/16
  • Im thankful to God for this ministry...I'm convinced that this ministry was organized and is sustained only by God...I've not been doing great spiritually though having been brought up in the church...I've lost my way over n over but I'm glad for these messages...


    God is using them to lead me back home...I've struggled with depression and failed relationships but I'm learning about the God that loves me beyond my wildest imagination...I love the fact that I'm able to download and listen at any time...I wish I had the means to support this ministry but untill that time i pray that God will keep this ministry alive...

    M.Q. from Kingston, Saint Andrew, Jamaica, 3/7/16