Have a great testimony? Tell us your story!
Share your storyI am from Brazil. Some time ago, I was looking for a website to practice my english. So, I found this great blessing. Congratulations for the job and thanks for providing the opportunity to listen to God's Word.
I have been listening to Audioverse for a few months. It was introduced to me when I was a missionary in China and Audioverse has been a blessing since then and I've been back home in CA. I shared Audioverse with my parents and friends because it has been such a blessing to find sermons from Pastor Anil Kanda and many more. Thank you Audioverse for this ministry!
In the loneliest times of my life, I am thankful for a close friend from LLU who introduced me to audio verse since 2007. It has been a spiritual blessing and an awakening of the soul to listen to. Thank you Audio Verse for the ministries!
Inspiring, informative and invigorating! Audioverse is an immense blessing for me both in my personal walk with the Lord and in my ministry. If you are not yet Audioversing frequently, go for it!
I am living in NYC and my Family is in my country and I am always trying to stay connected to Christ through prayer and Spirit of Prophecy and the Bible! A Facebook SDA friend from South Africa posted the link and I connected and I listened to Pas Brian Choi and I was totally inspired and blessed , then another Facebook friend sent me the names of a few Pastors to listen one was Pas Anil Kanda I just couldn't stop listening it was a blessing and I learned a million truths! I have already shared the link with my children, my husband, and Facebook friends! I will post this link on Facebook as often as I can so the world can be saved through the Inspiration of the Holy Spirit in the Spoken Word! Praise to the Lord and prayers and thanks to all the Amazing brethren who make this possible ! I praying for the committed and wonderful Team who make this possible for free!!! A million thanks my beloved brethren!
Hi! I'm D.C. and I'm 14 years old. First of all, thank you so much for creating Audioverse! I've been Seventh-Day Adventist for my entire life. However, I go to a Spanish church. Don't get me wrong, I love it but my whole life I grew up trying to understand the sermons. I am more comfortable with the English language. I never picked up my Bible. Praying was routine. I never understood what it all meant and how I had anything to do with it.
My Aunt Lou was sensing this, and ran to my aid. On my birthday we went out to eat and we talked about everything. Our Spiritual Life was one of the topics. She told me to listen to sermons and I thought "But they're going to be so boring!". She let me sample one. I downloaded the app on my phone. The first one I heard was one from Anil Kanda. That same day, I went home and listened to five more. Long story short, Audioverse has entirely changed my life. Now, I'm singing in various churches, doing outreach, reading my Bible every day and I have my own little E.G.White library in my room. I've been telling my friends and family all about it.
I can never thank you all enough and my aunt and I have been thinking of ways to help this ministry reach others. We talked about Audioverse at our church's AY and everyone was so interested. We'd like to sell your T-Shirts to those who we know. Also, It would be great if we could get more of the Audioverse slips that we got at GYC. We would be willing to help you because we believe the Spirit is working through Audioverse and we commend your hard work.
May God bles you! ~D.C
I am starting my new life in Lord when I first heard about audio verse. At that same time the enemy was trying to caught me in the trap of worlds paradigm in the matter of relationship. I was full of "why" during those times and question my worth. But God is so good. A friend told me about Nicole Parker's lecture on AudioVerse. That was an awakening and at the same time have lead to where am I today. Now, I have find my worth in the merit of the blood of Jesus. God bless and may this ministry continue!
In early December I was experiencing work related stress. I had planned to defend myself and after listening to Martin Kim's message about Jesus in Getsamane I had a heart change. I also asked God to send me a prayer partner and two days later a friend said they were looking for a prayer partner also. We started praying and my stress levels decrease and my students were more interested in learning and listening. It was amazing as I continue to pray my friend's husband and children (4 and 7) wanted prayer partners also. My sister who I have rarely if ever prayed with asked me to be her prayer partner. I listened to two more of Martin Kim's message ( related to fasting and humility). I decided to pray and fast starting January 1-22nd eating fruits and vegetables. I also Facebook this and started a conference call line 6:15-6:45am for prayer. So far God has blessed in that everyday at least one person has called in. I also went and purchased Andrew Murray 's book Humility. I praise God for the work your services has done. I don't even want to think about where I would be if I didn't hear these three messages. In closing prayer does not come "natural" to me and I praise God for helping me to have a consistent prayer life that is so rich when united with others.
Actually, I first heard about this site from a friend. I got so interested with the sermons focusing on "relationships". However, later on I began to explore the order topics. The messages that are featured here are so amazing and Bible-centered. I pray that God will bless this ministry more.
I believe God is using Audioverse in more ways than meets the eye. My experience has been a blessed one as I have not only drawn nearer to God but enjoyed leanring a new language! I am currently learning French in college and what a better way to grow than by listening to sermons in French! I've received a double blessing from AudioVerse Francais!
I was struggling with the fact that I was witnessing to everyone else but my family, I felt guilty, until listening to Mr. Eugene Prewitts presentation on Tricks of the Devil on Audio Verse. I knew God was speaking to me directly, and I just want to encourage you to continue to let God lead in this wonderful Ministry, He makes no mistakes. God Bless you all.
In my troubled moments, your website was used by God for me to hear His gentle words, and every time He leads me here, He leads me to the perfect message i needed to hear. Keep blessing people, keep spreading the message. God bless us all!