Have a great testimony? Tell us your story!
Share your storyAll the sermons look like they will be a spiritual blessing. Glad to find this site!
Thank you for the Desire of Ages reading. I can now listen to this any time I want. Thanks for taking the time to do it. Bless you. I wanted to read it but reading is difficult for me... my brain doesn't settle well... audio is better. I'm babe in Christ so I'm trying to take in all this positive stuff.
Have been richly blessed by the sermons and lectures. May GOD bless all facilitators of this site.
I wanted to show my appreciation and let you know how blessed I am with your AudioVerse! I use the AudioVerse from the writings of E.G.W. frequently in my bible study.... God bless you all and this website for your work in the Lord!
Since April I've been walking 5 to 6 miles 4 to 5 days a week. What helps is listening to sermons on AudioVerse. Great stuff!
Since April I've been walking 5 to 6 miles 4 to 5 days a week. What helps is listening to sermons on AudioVerse. Great stuff!
I'm thankful for technology and for Audioverse. I find that I'd rather listen to this than music during my early morning run. It motivates me and when I am done I'm ready to dig deep into the Bible and pray with all my might. Thanks for all you do.
I am very thankful to God for this site. The sermons and lectures I have been listening inspired me so much to work more and have courage and with God's help and grace to "be established in the present truth" although still struggling to submit to God some of my weaknesses but the more I understand God's word with His help also through the sermons and lectures.
Thank you AudioVerse team for allowing God to use you to make this wonderful website. I was greatly blessed by the sermons under Peter Gregory, Randy Skeete, Ivor Myers, and Doug Bachelor. Please keep on adding more sermons, but please don't delete the old ones, there are many people who haven't heard them yet. I will keep the AudioVerse team in my prayers.
I am 20 and I was struggling with many failed relationships with no sign of hope but thank God due to some sermons God healed my wounds. Though I'll have to live with the scars I live to testify. I got back on my feet and now testify not only to my friends but also to as many as I can. In my search for truth the Lord has guided and is guiding my path. Let us keep each other in prayer, Brethren. God bless you all.
I come from Portugal and am 22 years old. GOD saved my life through Nicole Parker and AudioVerse. I became Seventh-Day Adventist at age 14. My biggest dream has always been to get married, and ever since I found GOD I prayed that I would find The One Woman in my life. A year ago, a girl became interested in me. I was interested in her. She made the first move, and soon we were dating. We were both very lonely, and started the relationship for the wrong reasons. Soon, she broke with me. After all the years of prayer, and after leaving everything behind (specially my biggest vices: video-games, pornography, worldly music and television) and starting to study theology to become a pastor, I thought that the LORD had abandoned me. But through Nicole Parker's sermons about relationships, I understood that there was one thing that I hadn't given up yet: my dream to become a married man. I made an idol out of my girlfriend. After placing GOD first, I became closer to Him than ever before. Thank you LORD, thank you Nicole (and Alan too) and thank you AudioVerse.
Amen! I'm so new to AudioVerse and wow, I'm being tremendously blessed by all the amazing Christ filled messages. There are so many goodies here for my spiritual growth and as well as revival and reformation! Thank you, for all the sermons and men/women of God that are spreading the gospel message of Christ Our Righteousness. God bless you all.