
Have a great testimony? Tell us your story!

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  • I was born in Botswana, Africa but in 2008 I came to study in Russian under their bilateral scholarship. Before moving to Russia I had known about adventism from my sister but I did not consider myself to be one. Far from home I became closer to God and listened to a lot of sermons from AudioVerse which have helped me a lot in my spiritual growth that I even got baptized in Russia.


    W.R. Rostov, Russia, 12/5/12
  • I have recently been called back to the Lord, a former SDA and a former AFCOE student. The Lord calling me back was due to a heartbreak in a year and a half relationship, in which God showed me I was not the man I thought I was. He immediately and quickly convicted me within a 2 month period to quit smoking, drinking, television, video games, caffeine, and nearly all of my music and movies. Many said I was moving too fast, but God's wisdom is not man's wisdom. I did, however, have a vacancy in my down time. I had a hole from the sinful things that God gave me strength to give up that needed to be replaced with something. A friend referred me to this website. What a blessing! I no longer sit around and waste my time, I stay productive and I study God's word in most of my down time! Praise the Lord for your ingenious ministry!

    J. from California, USA, 11/13/12
  • AudioVerse has opened my eyes to the hidden things in the Word of God. Like the disciples on the road to Emmaus, the systematic expounding of the scriptures has helped me align my goal in life with that of Christ's: preparing us to meet the coming crisis and Christ. All my efforts are now being used to spread the gospel and be a consistent witness. And I see God bringing me places to serve as an Ambassador for him. I stand ready to aid in the work of Christ in anyway needed. And for that, I thank you.



    P.L. from Paris, France, 10/2/12
  • I have been actively using this website for some time. This website has changed my life. I have learnt so much about Jesus through this website. I was raised adventist but never really lived up to the faith I professed for many years. Because of this website, the messages have led to find Jesus and I have recommitted my life to God. But not only that, the more I have learnt the more I have been wanting to share what I have learnt. Through the power of holy spirit I can now stand before people unashamed of the Gospel of Jesus and to proclaim the word of God.

    S.C. from Kitwe, Zambia, 9/24/12
  • Just want to thank you guys for the great work. I listen to sermons 24/7 because I do not have to be in my room or hold the laptop. I just put my phone in my pocket and earphones and listen and my life has changed. I live in south Africa in the province on eastern cape in a place called Umthatha in the rural areas, and I'm able to listen to sermons. I go to town to a internet cafe and download it - only takes 10 min to download about 20 sermons for a week. 


    From South Africa, 9/7/12
  • Thank you very much for what you're doing. It allows me to download powerful and thought provoking sermons and listen to them on my phone whenever my personal Bible studies face a dead-end or when I feel lonely and want to hear a friendly voice talking about our Lord. May God bless you all! Hope to see you soon at the New Jerusalem.

    L. from Buenos Aires, Argentina., 9/5/12
  • AudioVerse is the best site ever created...

    S.T., 9/1/12
  • All the sermons look like they will be a spiritual blessing. Glad to find this site!

    R. F. from Texas, USA, 7/31/12
  • Thank you for the Desire of Ages reading. I can now listen to this any time I want. Thanks for taking the time to do it. Bless you. I wanted to read it but reading is difficult for me... my brain doesn't settle well... audio is better. I'm babe in Christ so I'm trying to take in all this positive stuff.


    S. from Saint Michael, Barbados, 6/21/12
  • Have been richly blessed by the sermons and lectures. May GOD bless all facilitators of this site.


    A.J. from Germany, 6/16/12
  • I wanted to show my appreciation and let you know how blessed I am with your AudioVerse! I use the AudioVerse from the writings of E.G.W. frequently in my bible study.... God bless you all and this website for your work in the Lord!


    R.E. from Oregon, USA, 6/10/12
  • Since April I've been walking 5 to 6 miles 4 to 5 days a week. What helps is listening to sermons on AudioVerse. Great stuff!

    P.C. , 6/3/12