Have a great testimony? Tell us your story!
Share your storythank you so much for putting Steps to Christ on CD. While traveling we cannot read but we can listen to a CD. Please, please keep up the good work.
Audioverse has been a tremendous blessing in my life! I praise God for this ministry and pray that blessings will continue to all those involved in providing this ministry! God bless you all!
Best Adventist preaching and teaching I've heard. I've been an Adventist for only 5 years. Very earnest prayer led me to use Peter Gregory as my teacher... God has been sending different Adventist preachers to me in very unusual ways. I give God glory for His faithfulness in keeping me fed and learning. AMEN
I'm curious to know some day when we're in eternity. How many lives are saved because of this ministry!
September 1st I underwent surgery for a hip replacement. For the last two weeks I've been well enough to focus on messages of truth on AudioVerse. The pain medication has made it difficult to focus on reading so being able to listen to these timely messages has been a real blessing to me. Thank you for making this sight available and please know that I have shared this blessing with many people and will continue to do so.
Thank you all for having the Sermon and Audiobook online so that other can visit and listen to it , it have been a Bless for me, Iam moore Spiritual now from , hear and listen and understanding God word so much better than I ever had, I know God use my Son to send me to this site, and I Thank God for that, and I Thank God for you all, May God Bless and keep you all. I will always be listening to this site, Thank God for you all, through God my Soul is being through this site Thank you all again .
This has been a blessing for me. God continue blessing you to continue this ministry. The website is looking good,and I love I can buy the sermons. Thank you and God Bless you
I don't know who the gate keepers are at Audio Verse but you are doing such a good job! It is so nice to have a site like this to recommend to friends interested in LEARNING more about the Bible. Thank you
I do really enjoy this website! What a blessing to have so many powerful sermons free for the downloading or listening to. We need more and more of this to fortify us for the last days! Stay strong in the Lord!
Greeting from Thailand! audioverse.org has always been my good friend since i've come to know abt the website from an godly couple i knew in Australia. Hving access to good, insightful, knowledge-full of sermons just from within my home (thru the internet) has been such a great blessing. In the past months, due to my poor health, i stayed mostly in my room all the time. And audioverse.org has been such a good friend of mine. I'm glad i can find comfort from different speakers from your website, which keeps my faith going in the gloomy time of my life. I'm glad i can understand Eng. which allows me to be able to understand the sermons. I even copy them into cds for my sister to listen when she is in the car, driving to work and coming back home. U know, Bangkok, the traffic is so jam. She'd finish a sermon by the time she reach her workplace. That really brings her closer to God and uplift her spiritual life. I hv to say that my sister and i are so thankful for your website. I'm sure many of us have been kept on the right path because you have made God's message so easily accessible to us. Thank you. Thank you.
life-changing sermons! i really like it. how i wish you could produce more series of sermons to make us more stronger in these perilous times. thank you and more power to your ministry.