Have a great testimony? Tell us your story!
Share your storyI thank God and you all for having this website. My nephew was the second one and a church member was the first to introduce me to Ivor myers sermons (Escape from the black hole). I believe the Lord intended for me to hear the sermon again, especially since the first time I heard it, there were too many distraction that kept me from really hearing the message. About a year later, this time, using my nephew to bring the message and without distractions this time I could focus. I was even more excited! Once I received the website to see all the other messages and speakers I felt even more blessed. After my nephew had come from college and had invited his friends and family to bible study encouraging us to go beyond surface studying the word of God to really understanding the meaning of God's word. He also gave his testimony of how digging into the word of God by breaking down the words to better understand the bible had helped him be delivered from strongholds that were in his life. He encouraged us to start having bible study and seeing how exciting he was and hearing his testimony has inspired and motivated me to start a weekly bible study group. Continue to do what you are doing by helping all of us draw closer to the Lord.
I am not even Christian just wondering, but it lighten my feelings, I felt that god is real the way you said.
Before I met Jesus, I recklessly lived a life of chasing all the thrills and spills that this world could offer, which led to alcohol and eventually drug abuse. I had a knowledge of God and believed that one day when the time was right I would drop everything and serve Him. After a shotgun wedding, I felt the time was right to transition into the Christian lifestyle that I was taught as a young boy in Sunday school, but I soon found that the chains of my destructive past could not be loosed. I played church several times thinking that if I immersed into a different environment I could transform myself into a better person. With my marriage on the rocks, I discerned my hopelessness and falling into depression I realized, for the first time, my dire need of a savior.
Jesus found me sinking into the quicksand of sin; as he reached out His hand of grace, I would not grab hold, for I was still fighting in my own strength, but little did I know that the harder I fought the faster I sank. I woke up one morning in a county jail cell trying to trace the steps that had led me to that cold dark place. I had taken a strong mixture of alcohol and prescription medication and was pulled over by the police just before passing out at the wheel. Interestingly, I didn't feel sorry for myself as I sat in that lonely dungeon reviewing the occurrences of that blurry night, instead I was thankful to be alive, and was convinced that Jesus had intervened. I thanked God for the second chance and although I hadn't the slightest idea how, I determined to know Him who cared so much for someone as worthless as me.
Since I have been with Christ, I have a new found peace and purpose in life. As trials and temptations advance, I find strength in the power of Jesus to brave them with a positive attitude, and victoriously I become more like Him. When the battles of life seem paramount, I still find comfort in the thought of His outstretched hand waiting to free me from the muck of life's wearisome burdens. I am forever grateful to my Lord and Savior, for he not only saved my life, but he gave me a new one.
After the DUI incident (2 years ago), I started reading the Bible and became intensely interested in the book of Revelation. Six months after my arrest I was sitting in an Adventist prophecy seminar. This particular one was a 6 hr. crash course covering Daniel 2, the "rapture", Antichrist, law, and the Sabbath. The next Sabbath I was in church. I had found what I was searching for... or so I thought. The knowledge of the truth was euphoric for a while, but the bondage to sin brought deep depression as I struggled to escape. I put everything I had into doing right and following the Bible, but I was no match for the tempter. I was tired of feeling guilty all the time for the wrongs that I could not prevent. Just before turning my back on God, providence landed me on Audioverse.org. An unknown hand guided me to two names I had never heard of before- Eugene Prewitt and Dennis Priebe. I learned righteousness by faith. I began my conversion experience from the Romans 7 to the Romans 8 experience, and all God needed was for someone to teach the TRUTH. As a new student of the Bible, I knew the answers to my problems were in God's word... but where? Anytime I was faced with a burden, I could go to AudioVerse and find a particular sermon on the topic of my specific problem. The best Bible studies are on AudioVerse! Adventist history (and futury) became my favorite study. My family of four and I were inspired to quit our job, sell our house, and go to AFCOE. We are now full-time Bible workers. Jesus gave us life. We had no choice but to enlist in the mission of faithful Adventist churches - preparing people for translation.
AudioVerse is still my favorite website. Thanks for your dedication to sharing the sometimes unpopular truth to a world that is sick of sin and looking for something better. We are living proof that God loves AudioVerse!!
A friend told me about this site during this summer,since then it has changed my life. Every morning I select a topic from Norman or Alistir to study in Revelation. In the afternoons I select a sermon. It's like going to church every day! If I feel down I look for a topic to lift my spirit.Thank you for this site,it came into my life at the best time, considering what is going on in the world now.As soon as I'm able I'll send a donation. Thanks again. God Bless.
I just discovered your site, as a link from a sermon I had listened to, by a speaker that was good, but unknown to me. I was a little skeptical at first, but I saw a few names that I knew, and took the plunge. You must be a fulfillment of prophecy, as I assume most, if not all of you, are indeed young men/women! I have 2 teens, and my husband and I have always worried about how we would keep them in the church and motivated, and most importantly anchored to God. This site is certainly one way. I pray that each of you keeps holding on, Jesus' coming is near! Hallelujah!
Happy Seventh-day Adventist Mom.
I just have to say that this site is such a blessing for me. I am a university student and want to give voice to those of us who can at times feel stuck on our respective campuses. It is so wonderful to have these positive messages available to listen to at any time without having to travel any further our dorm! Thank you so much!!
Hello! I am a Seventh-day Adventist from Central Jersey, New Jersey. Just a few weeks ago I discovered your website, and since then I have been listening to your sermons. Today the Lord led me to the messages of Adrian Zahid. After listening to "Being Where God Wants You to Be", I wanted to hear more. I went on to listen to "Witnessing to the Blind" and "The Testimony of Adrian Zahid." They moved me to tears and drew me closer to our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you so much AudioVerse. I hope you will continue to do the work you are doing, as we await our precious Lord's coming. Love in Christ,
I live in _________... As an American, it is difficult to find English sermons in the more remote areas of _________. I want to thank you for providing this service. It is literally a God-send and I cannot tell you how much it has made my stay here in ______ more pleasant. I had so hungered for an English sermon and now I have them. God bless you and your ministry.
This site is trully a blessing, as a young person we need something positive online as we get side tracked a lot. Thank you so much to the team thats behind this. May God trully bless you!!!!!
I have been an SDA for a number of years and have read these books but never have I heard or gain such a spiritual insight and understanding,that I feel a deep burning inside me to share this news with others. My daughter had been reluctant to worship with me since we lost her dad my husband four and half years now; but last night when I log in as part of my worship plan, she sat down and listened, later on I heard her telling one of her friends that she enjoyed it so much that she is planning to invite some young to our home on Friday nights for worship by loging on to this sight. God bless every one of the teachers on this sight.
A friend sent me this link yesterday and since then,I have been downloading sermons. I have been immensely blessed and continue to that God continue using you to reach many with this everlasting message.
hearing ur sermons now only i understands clearly about nature of sin,justification and sanctification.being 26yrs as christian,by 2yrs in adventist truth by GOD miracly shown us pastor doug batchellor sermons in unexpected local tv cable channel.___________,south india.I had been heard ur sermons in egn tv of Hartland.ur bible study course is very useful to me.Thank u for ur pure bible truth of Jesus Christ.