
Have a great testimony? Tell us your story!

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  • It's a blessing for me to have a site where I can download sermons and other resources freely. It took me a while to find this site but God knows how these sermons have changed me. I couldn't keep quiet about this and I have informed some other Adventists. I thank God for your efforts and I know the transformation I've undergone is because of Audioverse. Thanks very much and God bless you.

    K.G. from Europe, 8/14/13
  • I cannot tell you how much credit I give to this blessed FREE site for keeping me going throughout the past several years. I think I've downloaded HUNDREDS of sermons since I've been doing so much commuting for work and school - AudioVerse keeps me connected and keeps my fire burning. I've told numerous friends about AudioVerse, even non-SDA ones, because the content is just super. I know you and your team don't always hear how your work is blessing individual lives, and maybe my little testimony is way overdue, but I really don't know where I would be without it. Honestly. 

    When I was in the lovely "Adventist Institutions Bubble," I really took all those worships and vespers and Bible studies for granted, because as soon as I got out (into the real world, haha), I missed them incredibly! Besides involvement in ministry, small groups, and church, my thirst continues to be satiated primarily through the sermons from AudioVerse. Anyway, this is all to say - continue doing what you're doing! You will only know in Heaven how many live this ministry REALLY has touched. 

    A.C. from Virginia, USA, 6/14/13
  • I was brought up in an adventist home, but of course the first image of God and love comes from our parents. I never saw unconditional love between them, I saw God as this creator who only love those who were right. I began to look for this unconditional love outside of home, since I was 12 years old. My family were extremely prayful, until the devil has seperated prayer time to have time to watch tv and build confusion between my parents, my brothers and me. At the age of 10-11 I had been molested by a man, who my family had opened its door to (also an adventist), this was the beginning to my rebellion, as my parents didn't completely believe me. For years and years I hated men and hated myself, I got baptised at the age of 16, and had some church member make false allegations and suprisingly this seperated the church into two groups good vs evil. I was in the sinners group, I went from one man after another, still looking for these answer and love that I never had. For a long time, I wanted to feel and I could only feel when I was sexually impure and all I could feel was pain.
    2 Months ago, I had an incident where I was assaulted, and this completely broke me. I had a close childhood church friend who had been praying for me for years, she asked me to listen to audioverse and listen to Nicole Parker and her story. I spent the whole sabbath listening, as I knew this was my story she was talking about. I called out to God and asked him to just forgive me and save me and give me peace. It was the first time in 11 years I felt whole. I began a course online "Setting Captives Free" and continued to indulge in God's word and this same friend started a 21 day prayer fast and I joined in. During this fast I had conviction from the spirit to fast without food for 4 days and for the first time, I was vulnerable before God and my idea of God's love was not as my parents had told me. I also started forgiving those who had hurt me. Now on Monday, I will go and meet the man who had molested me for the first time in 5 years and completely forgive him for what he did. During this journey God had given me a friend, who is wonderful and just a blessing in my life. What God did was so amazing that there is nothing that will make me go back to the life I was living because I realised without God at the centre of everything we are nothing.

    W. from Great Britain, 6/1/13
  • I just want to thank you for the good work that you are doing. I have been blessed by the messages
    that I have downloaded in my mp3 player every morning and evening as I come to work. I have some sermons from Randy Skeete and Mark Finley and through their massages I have really found out that I am still very far away from Christ and I need to make a comeback.

    M. from Kenya, 5/31/13
  • I'm living and working in South Korea teaching English. I've found AudioVerse invaluable in a couple of ways. 1) Focusing on translated sermons is really hard, so I often listen to sermons on AudioVerse to give me that extra boost I miss on Sabbath mornings. 2) I downloaded some sermons, made transcripts and then used them as listening exercises for my religion classes. They really made an impact. Thank you for this resource.


    C. from Seoul, South Korea, 5/17/13
  • Last year (2012), I landed on this website when I was looking for Pastor Randy Skeet's Sermons. Thanks be to God for fulfilling His promise "Seek God and Live" -Amos 5:6. I have life now, because God has blessed me through the sermons presented on this website. All sermons are good and they have inspired me a lot. And also they have given me hope to face the future. I live a new life now, the old has passed and I'm pressing for our prize. I have also learned to read my Bible. May God bless all...


    I.M. from Uganda, 5/15/13

    This ministry blesses me greatly, more than any other, and I listen to your recordings daily. We are studying the book of Revelation at our Wednesday prayer meeting at present, and I have been making good use of your series. I am currently a full time student so funds are tight, but I shall continue to make donations as I am able, and will alert our church family to this need. May God continue to bless us all as we diligently seek His will, in preparation for the time that lies ahead. Thank you!



    C.R. from Hamilton, New Zealand, 4/21/13
  • My sister told me about this website and thank God she did. I've been blessed by the messages, especially the most recent one I've listen to titled, Don't Take the City with You. I've turned off my TV and begun praying about where God wants me to live. God is ensuring that His people have every opportunity to make better decisions and live a Christian life. Thank you for this website and bless all the speakers delivering the truth about Jesus Christ.


    D.R. from Europe, 4/14/13
  • This site has been life changing for me. Was introduced to it by a sister in church and will never be the same!!!... SO MANY PRESENTERS for every single thing that we deal with on this earth.
    GOD Bless Audioverse


    C.P. from Georgia, USA, 3/22/13
  • I've used audioverse for just 12hrs and wow the content is just what i've surfed the net on end to find. A friend hinted me about it and it has truely satisfied my hunger for spiritual food. Thanks, I'll support you when I can. keep it up.


    O.N. from Nigeria, 3/17/13
  • This site has been a blessing to me and my friends. In a way we, the believers, are staying connected. God bless this ministry.


    E.J. from Michigan, USA, 3/12/13
  • Audioverse helps me keep my mind on heavenly things.God bless you all.


    D.M. from Beograd, Serbia, 2/28/13