
Have a great testimony? Tell us your story!

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  • I am very grateful for this service. It has made such a difference to my life since I discovered Audioverse about 5 months ago. Now I listen to 1-3 sermons / presentations per day when I am travelling I between appointments at work. It has strengthened my beliefs in the bible and I have learned so many new things..

    God bless to everyone involved in the running of this site.

    J.D. from France, 8/12/14
  • I was listening to G Edward Reid at work from another app I downloaded. Well after not being able to connect for certain sermons, I decided to search for him on the Internet for more Sermons and the search led me to AudioVerse. I can now listen to other Ministers and Books while at work and at home. Praise be to God alone.

    D. from Ohio, USA, 7/27/14
  • Keep up the good work, audioverse has been such a blessing! I love the messages of Norman McNulty as a result of audio-verse he came to speak at our church I may never have know of him otherwise. Neil Nedley is another favorite. I plan on supporting you on a monthly basis.

    D.L. from North Carolina, USA, 6/18/14
  • Greetings.

    Audioverse has been a blessing to me for the past 3(three) years now. I came into contact watching a broadcast on 3ABN. I heard a publicity and decided to see what there. I have been blessed for hearing massages in four of the languages broadcasted over Audioverse, by the time Portugese was part of Audioverse.

    Let the Lord bless all those who are involved and His light shine upon those who are listening. I have learned alot from the diffrent Languages, from, French, English Spanish and Portugues.
    I am using the messages to help other, and indicating to those who are able. Its a real blessing to me and hope all will be blessed. Jesus is coming, and the time is short. Let this be our greatest joy and hope. 

    B.T. from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 6/16/14
  • We continue to download many of the sermons and I take them with me to Kenya to pass these onto my contact there to help with his ministry. It is a huge blessing to himself and the people he reaches. We are investing in more USB sticks, CDs and looking at solar powered MP3 players. God bless you!

    A.T. from New Zealand, 6/16/14
  • I thank God for this website and all the spirit filled and uplifting sermons. Audioverse has been an oasis in my times of spiritual famine. I pray this ministry continues for years to come and that all the hearers of these broadcasts would be led to Christ.

    D.N. from Florida, USA, 6/3/14
  • I want to give Glory to God for the blessing He has bestowed on me with your ministry and audio verse. I have been looking for sermons and things to study with depth and your ministry has provided this for me. I was recently rebaptized not fully understanding dying to Christ the first time when I was only 13. Now it's been different I die daily to Christ. It's refreshing to see that within our own church Seventh Day Adventist there are people speaking Gods truth. I have heard of many who have made their own little church's and not truly understanding Ellen G. White and her purpose to show us to be aware of the things that are going around us that may not be as God commanded. Yet to stay faithful and be living example to others and give hope to our fellow brothers and sister. Unfortunately I have family that have followed such churches and I continue to pray that The Lord leads them back home. Please continue to pray for my family and myself that we grow strong in The Lord and may be used as vessels to do His work. May The Lord continue to Bless your ministry and pray to see you in the second coming of The Lord.

    S.L. from New York, USA, 6/2/14
  • Brethren, this presentation, Growth Through Trials, by Magna Parks, just sent my heart to singing and praising God. Looking back on my life, I can honestly say it has been pretty bumpy. But I am SO thankful to God that He has brought me out on the other side a stronger person and I now find strength and wisdom to help others. How I love Him!

    D.G. from North Dakota, USA, 6/2/14
  • In 2010 when I had just come to China for my studies I was introduced to audioverse by a friend (Kathy) because I told am so bored and have nothing to do during my holidays. At first I had no idea of what she had given me but later it turned out to be one of the biggest spiritual blessings in my life. Only eternity can tell the IMPACT audioverse has had on my life. I have come to understand that my time here in China is a training for something big God wants to accomplish in my life and audioverse has been a tool God has used in my training. I now understand what I believe and I know why i believe what I believe, am ready to give an defense for the faith in me with meekness and fear. Oh how I praise God for audioverse, I introduce it to all my friends who have just come to study here, they all love the messages. I have listened to hundreds of messages on audiverse, my friends think i like listening to music when they see me with earphones all the time but am actually listening to sermons. I love audioverse, I can't say enough about audioverse. God bless you for the ministry

    V.S. from China, 4/17/14
  • I discovered audioverse from a friend, I was very depressed at the time. When I went on the website I discovered a pastor named glenn coon which help me to come out of my depression by claiming GOD WORD. I did not know that God's promises was so powerful. Thank you audioverse, thank you for the word of God.

    J.K. from Trinidad and Tobago, 4/14/14
  • Thank-you very much, Audioverse, for being my "go-to" source of inspired material! I enjoy your website greatly, and have been blessed by its contents.

    Audioverse is an excellent way for all of us to "redeem the time"-- to use those small moments, whether commuting, waiting for an appointment, chores around the home, whatever-- to use the precious few minutes that God has graciously provided all of us. To use these snippets of time to empower us and renew our minds! It is so easy today to be distracted by many other things, but by using our time wisely, God can speak to us in powerful ways!

    Ellen White gave the advice, to people of her day, to "employ every spare moment in doing something. In this way an effectual door will be closed against a thousand temptations." (Gospel Workers, pg. 169). Her advice was to take along a spiritual book while one was traveling on the train. How much more, today, with tools like Audioverse, to use those moments in the car, on the plane, waiting in line, etc. to redeem the time!

    May God continue to bless and enrich your ministry! Thanks again.

    D. from Minnesota, USA, 4/10/14
  • What a truly inspired ministry you are! I learned early in my born-again life several years ago that God inspires us all to know Him. During imprisonment, when I needed Him most, He was right there for me. I felt so comfortable, much like meeting a friend you knew would be forever a part of your life. Only much stronger. He taught me that there will be many mediums used to communicate His Truth. God loves us so much. I listened to Pastor Dewayne Lemon-"Set your house in order." Thank you Jesus! I study for His approval and He brought me to you. You are the first contribution I've ever transacted on the computer. God, please bless this ministry.

    B. from Ohio, USA, 4/2/14