
Have a great testimony? Tell us your story!

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  • I thank God for the ministry of Audio Verse. I first discovered Audio Verse in 2009 and have been a fan ever since. Because of Audio Verse, I have a much greater understanding of the Seventh Day Adventist doctrines and I have a grater appreciation for the wonderful truths of the bible. May God continue to bless this ministry. I believe that there will be many in the kingdom because of what you're doing.

    N.P. from Florida, USA, 2/26/14
  • I recently learned of your site and podcasts. I have been so blessed listening to the 77 messages I downloaded onto my iPod just before coming to India. I have listened to all of them while traveling throughout Andhra Pradesh and Orissa States. Three of the messages have truly inspired me, especially Daniel Mesa's Seals of Time. My wife Bonnie and I are Gospel Outreach Directors for India, training Bible Workers in four conferences and visiting churches we have helped establish over the last 14 years. Your ministry is a real blessing to conservative Adventism. God's richest blessings to you as we work together in hastening our Lord's return

    D.O. from Mumbai, India, 2/24/14
  • The Lord gave us, Audioverse, in His mercy. I can't tell how many times, just when I needed, went to audio verse and being fed by the message for this time. Audio verse is a stream of living water prepared by God's own hands in human form.

    May God richly bless you.

    Survivor by His Grace.

    Survivor from Oregon, USA, 2/21/14
  • My heart has been reached anew with the joy of Jesus -with the precious water of life - the truth of God's really beautiful love and His provision for a changed character upon our request! The Lord has used Glenn Coon's message: "The Answer was Created" # 8 to clear up a false picture I had of God's love - thank you for sharing it on AudioVerse!! Another of his sermons in the series spoke of help with worry just when I needed it and actually in answer to prayer.


    Pastor Coon's encouragement to trust in God's love and promises has helped me so much. Thank you VERY MUCH for providing these messages for their message is excellent. May the Lord keep you going!!

    L.B. from Ohio, USA, 2/3/14
  • I love AudioVerse! I was first introduced to AudioVerse a couple of years ago. I'm always listening to sermons while driving in my car or cleaning my home. Wow! it has changed my life, but not just my life,my husband's life and the life of our 14 year old son.


    One day while home by myself, I was looking for the latest sermon on AudioVerse when I ran across Christian Berdahl's Distraction Dilemma overview. I thought it looked interesting so I sat down and watched it. I was amazed at what he was sharing I had never heard the dangers of music explained like this before. It wasn't even over when I went to my computer and to the Shepherd's Call website and ordered the complete set. I wanted to share it with my son. When the DVD's came, we started watching them at night for family worship. Our son loved it right away. He really enjoyed Christian's high energy and goofy approach to things. The Holy Spirit convicted him of this message on the dangers in music.


    Later at school he was so excited about it that he shared it with his teacher. She had never heard of it before and was really interested and she asked to borrow the DVDs. She watched them and became so impressed that she wanted to share it with the entire school. When the kids at school watched the videos they also were impressed by the Holy Spirit with this message on music and its distractions. They could understand like my son for the first time why that kind of music is bad and how satan uses it for his purposes. They liked it so much they wanted to present a sermon at church about the things they had learned in the videos.


    I must say they did a wonderful job that Sabbath morning and the Lord used them in a powerful way to reach many more souls with this message. They did such a wonderful job that they have been asked to preach this same sermon again at another church! Praise the Lord for AudioVerse! You are making a difference and impacting young people more than you realize. Our young people need these messages to keep them strong and to understand why they need to stay away from the things of this world. 

    May God Bless you as you continue to bless others with the ministry of AudioVerse.

    T.H. from N.C.

    P.S. My husband is a high school teacher and he uses the Distraction dilemma sermon by Christian Berdahl on AudioVerse for his Bible class.

    T.H. from North Carolina, 1/13/14
  • My first exposure to audioverse was like finding a small door that opened to a big warehouse full of treasures! Only eternity will tell how this statement means: I have been so blessed! Thank you so much for the time, effort, and means you have invested to bless others. I am not a techie person and although I don't understand much about how it's done, but I know enough to realize how much hard work it takes to maintain this ministry. May God bless you and sustain you all with good health, wonderful family relationships, and a faith that will not waver. 


    Somehow, the testimony of W. from Great Britain 6/1/13, also touched me to the core. Praying for her and this ministry.

    R. from Philippines, 12/24/13
  • Audioverse was love at first sound(!). It provided what I was looking for: substance. And through the years it has been for me one of the small, but a most significant, light pointing to the Greater Light.


    I first came across Audioverse 5 years ago (this grateful testimony obviously long overdue!). I have seen God’s hand leading me through life and no doubt, He led me to Audioverse as well. I thank God for the people behind this project who listened to the His promptings. For sure, this ministry has blessed a lot of people, young and old alike. My Ma got excited over what I was sharing with her when I started listening to Audioverse, and she wanted to have the same resources. As she has poor eyesight, listening rather than reading, is a plus for her.  She brings her mp3 and portable speaker with her wherever she goes and tries to share what she learns from Audioverse. Even my grandma who is turning 95 gets to listen in as well!


    Audioverse is holding high the flag of Truth, and I pray it will continue to do so until our blessed Saviour comes!

    K., 10/15/13
  • I just want to let you know that the service you provide is excellent : it has fed my desire to serve The Lord, provided material for a range of Bible Studies , given me a trusted and varied resource to recommend to others and confirmed my faith in the Advent message. The personal testimonies are particularly wonderful - can you please get some more? 
    I will certainly be sending a donation to encourage the work.
    Thank you so much.

    C.H. from London, 10/4/13
  • I was looking for Pastor Dwayne Lemon & Pastor Skeete sermons when i landed on this site. I thank the Lord for the many presenters in here for God's people. It's been a blessing listening through the sermons. It really change my life, my family and our attitude in serving Jesus Christ. These are all God's last calling to his people and I know we have to act now and do something in our life.

    S.T. from Fiji, 9/30/13
  • Words cannot express how thankful I am to God and the Holy Spirit for leading me to AudioVerse, through Greg Perry from ASI, telling me about Dwayne Lemon. He encouraged me to hear the word preached boldly in the name of Jesus. I left Jesus, and I should not be alive today. God blessed me in many ways in our business. I could not read and because of that I never could understand the Bible. But God never gave up on me. Praise His name! He gave me victory over my addictions. And as I am claiming the promises of His word, and having faith to know He will do what He says, I now am reading and understanding His precious word, the Bible. God's Blessings

    R.K. from Vermont, USA, 9/25/13
  • I was given the website to log onto which I never did at the time I was given. A few weeks later I logged onto the site and the Lord opened my mind to even better understanding of the word as if I was hearing the messages for the 1st time. Now instead of listening to gospel music while I drive am now listening to sermons through my flash drive via an FM modulator, its a blessing when ever i step my foot into my car or just relaxing at home. I also realized that am wasting God's time listening to other things which have no bearing on my salvation, but AUDIOVESERVE has improved and made rich my understanding on the Word of God.

    Z.N. from Zimbabwe, 8/27/13
  • I wasn't brought up in Adventist home, but my friend introduced me to church and from the day I first stepped foot inside the church, I have loved it ever since. This site has helped me a great deal with my spiritual life. I especially love randy skeete because in each of his sermons I feel like he is talking about me and how I have to live right. I hope many more people will be blessed through this site as I was.


    J. from Kenya, 8/15/13